Work Appropriate for Who? Featuring Dana, the Fashion Merchandiser

I’m so excited to introduce today’s guest! I met Dana through blogging earlier this year when she was going to school near DC. Now that she’s moved back to NYC, I’ve only gotten to meet her in person once, but I love this girl and her sense of style.  Keep reading to learn how she dresses herself for work!
Work Appropriate for Who? | Something Good, dress code, office attire



Job Title
​Assistant Merchandiser​

Job Description
​Basically the Merchandising team is a liaison to departments such as Design/Production, Sales, Planning, and Marketing. We help Design develop products and based on the feedback from Sales, we merchandise the products for them to sell to our customers!​ Then, I work with Planning and our overseas offices to work out pricing for our products.

​Perry Ellis ​Menswear

Work Appropriate for Who? | Something Good, dress code, office attire
What dress code was given to you when you began the job?
​Business Casual​ + Casual Fridays (yay)

What do you generally wear to work?
​I can pretty much wear anything to work that is appropriate. Since I work in the fashion industry, we are allowed to be creative when it comes to what we wear –we  just need to be smart about it! I usually wear anything from printed pants and a tank top to shorts with a blazer and heels…and everything in between. ​

Where do you like to shop for work attire?
​J.Crew, Zara, Gap, Loft. 

How have you developed your professional style?
​The first few days, I took a look at what my coworkers were wearing. You could definitely tell the difference between Design team and Sales team — I like to think the Merchandising team is somewhere in between;)​ As I’ve gotten more comfortable at the company, I like playing around with different looks: preppy one day, borrowing from the boys the next, etc. 

In your specific office, what is one thing you would tell a woman to definitely NOT wear? 
​Shirts that you have to constantly play with. Wear the right bra ladies! It’s that simple.​

What is the best “dress code” advice you have ever received?
The first day of my new job, my HR Manager gave some great advice that I think about every morning I get dressed: “Use your better judgement. If you question something you’re wearing, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it.”

What advice would you give to women starting in her career about dressing for her job?
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have — even if it’s your first few weeks on the job, be conscious about what you’re wearing. I definitely suggest dressing as if you’re interviewing…after you’ve already landed the position!

Anything else you would like to add?
​Even if your office environment is a little more business-y, do not be afraid to add a little something (appropriate, of course) that makes you stand out. A fun pair of heels, a bright scarf, a pretty gold necklace…just something to remind yourself that you love to dress in a way that expresses your personal style!​

Work Appropriate for Who? | Something Good, dress code, office attire
View other Work Appropriate interviews here and check back on Tuesday to see who I interview next!

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  1. That scarf is so pretty!!

  2. That's a great outfit! Love the scarf!

  3. Omg..I am loving those shoes, I like the brown but I would love them in black if they came in black.