I’m so excited for this series guys and I hope you are too! In today’s post we’re going to talk about “making your list and checking it twice.” Aka, why making a gift list can save you money during the holidays. Except, I’m not only going to talk about a gift list. Nope, we’re going to talk about lists for everything. So let’s talk about the lists you need to make and then I’ll go over why each of these lists will help you save money.
The Lists you need to make
Everyone has their own way of list making. Some people like writing it by hand so they can cross it out (such satisfaction). Others love that iPhone notes life. And some some would rather do it on their computer. I don’t care where your list is going to be written. But pick a place where you’re going to be able to easily pull it out and look at it. Since I’m going to be doing most of my shopping online, I would prefer to put it all in a spreadsheet so I can put in links and notes later.
Everyone you’re going to buy a gift
For most people, this is where the bulk of their spending is going to happen. This is why this is the most important list you’re going to make. So it’s okay to take some time with it. List out EVERY SINGLE PERSON you think you maybe have to get a gift for. Then next to their name, write what you’re getting them or ideas for what to get them.
If you don’t know what you’re getting them yet, that’s okay! That’s what this brainstorming time is for. But as a suggestion, if you’re shopping for the picky/has every adult, gift cards are always a good idea. But not just that basic target gift card (which you can get me any time, btw). Get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant or movie theater. A gift certificate to a spa. Or maybe a museum membership. You’d be surprised how well that one can work out. (PS I have a great gift suggestion board on Pinterest!)
Every event you’re going to
This one sounds weird, but hang with me here for a minute. From now until New Years Day, list every event you have to go to. Leave room to add in events that may come up. But write down every friendsgiving, office holiday party, ugly sweater party, and holiday party.
Every outfit you’re going to need for the events above
Does the list above make sense now? I told you we were going to go deep with the list making. For this list, you don’t need to be specific like, blue jeans, red sweater, sparky flats. You can just write something like “cocktail wear” or “semi casual.” The idea for this is to figure out if you’re going to want to get something sparkly and festive so you can start looking NOW and not rush to hunt it down later.
Why making a gift list can save you money during the holidays
Has my list making seemed a bit obsessive yet? Well there’s a method to the madness, I promise. I started to touch on it above,but let’s break it down.
The whole idea behind this list making is to give you a realistic idea of what you need to get and how much money you’re looking at spending. If it looks like you’re going to go over budget just on gifts, you can start looking at your gift list and seeing where you may need to cut back and cut down. Can you go in on a gift with someone? Are you maybe spending more money on someone then you really need to?
From there, it also helps you start looking for items early instead of rushing and buying things at the last minute. You now have time to wait for things to go on sale and you don’t have to worry about freaking out and buying something full price because you need it asap.
Finally, it allows you to spread out your spending over the next month (or even two). Spending $500 in one trip hurts. Especially if you don’t get paid for two more weeks. But maybe it’s better for you to spread it out over the month. You can do that now! You can do what’s best for your wallet and your shopping plan.
So what’s your homework for tonight? Make your lists! We’re putting them to work tomorrow, so get out your pint of ice cream, glass of wine, or McDonalds fries, whatever you need. Just get that list together and get ready for tomorrow!