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Sunday Book Club: Why I Love My Kindle (And What I’ve Been Reading Lately)

I feel like Sundays always come around so quickly and I never have my book club posts ready. Which is silly, since I love writing them! I also know I haven’t shared my May AND June reading, but I’m going to do a little mix up today. You see, with all of the traveling I’ve been doing in the last few months, my love for my kindle has grown (I didn’t know that was possible). I figured I should share some of the reasons why I love my kindle so much. I also don’t want to leave you hanging, so I’ll also share a few of the books that I’ve read and loved in the last two months.

Oh and also, this post is definitely not sponsored. I’m actually just that in love with my kindle that I need to shout to the world about it.

  1. My bag no longer weighs 30 extra pounds.
    I think I mentioned this in my “How to Read More Books This Year” post, but this is honestly one of my most important reasons. Imagine carrying around one Game of Throne book, a copy of Outlander, and the 7th Harry Potter. Yeah, you might as well be carrying around a toddler. That was how heavy my bag was. I always had to take extra books on vacation because I was a speed reader and god forbid I be left without a book. My suitcase was once 50% books. It was bad guys.Luckily, my kindle weighs next to nothing and it has all of my books in it. My back thanks me (and yours will too).
  2. I can read in the dark and not strain my eyes. When I was little, my mom got me and my sister little book lights so we could keep reading in the car when it got dark. You know what the worst thing ever is? When your book light runs out of batteries and you’re only half way there. Reading books on an iPad or tablet can kind of solve this problem, but staring at a computer screen is bad for your eyes.The Kindle Paperwhite however has magical technology that allows it to light up without any of that terrible blue light that strains your eyes. I can finally read in the dark on buses and planes without bothering anyone around me! This is also especially great for the DC metro which was not built for reading.
  3. The library and I are still bffs. 
    Did you know that you don’t have to just buy books for your kindle? Yup! You can check ebooks out from the library. In fact, I taught you how to do it here. This is perfect because I can still read the new releases and back-list books while supporting my library. (Amazon also has a fancy little lending library called Kindle Unlimited for it’s prime members too.)

Have I convinced you yet? Let me know if you have any other questions about the Kindle Paperwhite, I’m happy to answer them!
If I have convinced you to buy it, wait until Tuesday. It’s going on sale for Amazon Prime Day!

And now the part you really wanted, here’s what I’ve been reading and loved lately (in no particular order)!

Once and For All by Sarah Dessen

Is it weird that I have a ride-or-die YA author? Well I do, and it’s Sarah Dessen. She honestly writes some of the best YA books. This is her newest one and I loved it just as much as the others. It also made me want to go back and read all of the others….Mom, would you mind mailing them to me?


Hello Sunshine by Laura Dave

When I went to read this book, all I remembered from the description was that the main character had basically everything in her life taken away from her in one day. And wow, they weren’t kidding. Don’t worry, this isn’t an overly dramatic ball your eyes out story (it is called Hello Sunshine, after all). It’s actually pretty fun and entertaining and a good reminder about how important it is to not lose yourself.


Alex and Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz

Did you love Hamilton? The musical, I mean. Or the man, I guess. Well if you loved the musical, I think you’ll get a little kick out of this fictional YA take on Alex & Eliza’s first meeting and how they finally come to marry. It was a pretty good book, though not really something that I would recommend to everyone.

Also, thank god I don’t live in the 1800s and my family can’t just decide to marry me off to save the family name and money.


The Mothers by Britt Bennett

I picked this as my pool book a few weeks ago and well…it’s not really a pool book. That being said, I sat by the pool and read it straight through in under three hours. I didn’t want to put it down. I was just so engrossed in the characters lives that I just wanted to read more.


Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han

If there is anyone who could ever give Sarah Dessen a run for her money, it’s Jenny Han. This is the third book in the Lara Jean series and it’s just as wonderful as the other. I think I now need to go back and re-read it three or four more times.


Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas

It’s weird, I think I actually appreciated this book more after I was finished with it and started reflecting on it. I’m not quite sure why. Because this book it one woman’s entertaining account of her family’s move and how they adapted, I think I may need to go back and listen to it on audio.


North of Happy by Adi Alsaid

I hate saying that a book was adorable, but this book was so adorable. And a little heartbreaking. I honestly just wanted to give the main character Carlos a hug half of the time. If you love reading about the behind the scenes of kitchens, go read this book. If you need something about dealing with a loss, read this book. If you need something about young love, go read this book. Just go read this book.


The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

It’s so odd, every time I pick up a Kingsolver book, I expect to not like it and then I get sucked in and love it. That’s what happened with The Bean Trees and it’s sequel.  Let me know if the same happens with you!


Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan

This series gets better with every book. Seriously. Also, I feel like I barely heard people talk about the first two books (which I loved) and now everyone is talking about the third book. Is that because they just announced that it’s becoming a movie?

Anyways, go read this entire series. It’s hilarious and you’ll love it. You’ll also feel much better about your family.

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