Note: Today’s post contains affiliate links about Weekly Outfits 4/2. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Something Good.
This past week felt like a roller-coaster for me. I had my first cookie order (which went great), a lot of babysitting, and a lot of unexpected work that came up.
Weekly Outfits 4/2

Long Sleeve Shirt, Jeans, Slippers
I had a few video interviews, so looking nice on top was necessary for the day! Don’t worry though, I added a blazer to the top so it looked more professional.
I forgot to take a picture! It was a cookie making day though, so I was just wearing some slubby clothes.

Sweater, Jeans, Old shoes (similar)
I made a massive mistake on Sunday. I decided to go to Georgetown to do a returns and completely forgot that it was the Cherry Blossom Festival. It took me an hour to get there and an hour to back. Luckily for me, I went to stitch club right after and we were outside. The weather was beautiful and it was such a great day to be outside. It calmed me right back down!

Another busy day! I continued to work my cookie order (it’s a multi-day process) and then did a babysitting/after school pick up. After that, my husband and I (and his sister and her husband), went to go see Bruce Springsteen! My husband is a HUGE Bruce fan and he was so excited to take me to my first Bruce concert ever. The show was great and we were dancing around the entire time.

Old Cardigan (super similar cardigan, this one is also very similar), Striped Tee, Jeans, Sneakers
I’m really getting my money’s worth with these jeans! Sorry, but they’re incredibly comfortable, so I will wear them all of the time. Another day with cookies and babysitting. But this time, I made the kid I was babysitting for run errands with me. We were both exhausted by the end, but I’m sure her parents didn’t mind.

Old Sweater (similar), Jeans, Flats
I was home all day on Wednesday, but that made it a good excuse to go grocery shopping. Then I had to run around town to do the silliest errand. That wore me out, so I ended up bingeing Love is Blind season 4. Is anyone else watching it right now?


Old Polo Sweater (similar), Jeans, Shoes (P.S. You can take $50 off of your first pair with code SARAHFLINT-BADANAW)
I decided to add an extra outfit since I missed Saturday. Also, I loved this outfit and how Rosie decided to creep into the picture! On Friday I had more cookie stuff to do in the morning and a quick babysitting session in the afternoon. BUT then I got to go to a Romance Readers meet up in DC! A bunch of authors were invited to attend and they did! It was so much fun to get to chat with my other romance book club members and meet a few different authors in person.
Have a great rest of your monday!
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