Note: Today’s post contains affiliate links about Weekly Outfits 3/27. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Something Good.
I’m getting so much better at remembering to take pictures and I’m so proud of myself for it. It’s a silly thing, but it’s nice to be able to look back at what I wore and remember what I was doing that day. Also, you may noticed that my pictures are a little bit clearer this week. That’s because I FINALLY dusted and cleaned my mirror. So you’re welcome. Fun fact: I heard that you can use used tea bags to help clean off the spots on your mirror. I tried it and it works really well!
Weekly Outfits 3/27
Friday was a super busy day of babysitting and running errands (with the kid and Rosie), but then I got to go to book club! I had the cardigan, but I don’t even know if I wore it on Friday, I was running around so much.

Striped tee, Cardigan (similar), Jeans, Floral Sneakers
Saturday started with a lot of go go go: we woke up early to get my husband a haircut, stopped by Starbucks, and then took Rosie to a dachshund meet up! By noon we were all pretty tired (including Rosie!), so we just relaxed on the couch for the rest of the day.

Old Sweatshirt (Similar), Jeans, Sneakers
I actually don’t think I left the house on Sunday? It was a super lazy day, so don’t worry, you didn’t miss out on an outfit. It was just sweats all day!
It was a day of doctor’s appointments with a little work in between! The morning started super cold and warmed up throughout the day, so I couldn’t miss an opportunity to wear my fleece lined sneakers!

Old Collared Sweater (similar), Jeans, Old sneakers (similar)
Another day of work, but I had a really fun meeting for something I’ve been working on for a bit now. Then I headed off to babysit for the rest of the afternoon/evening. I can’t complain about a night of mac and cheese, chocolate chip cookies, and Shrek!
Curious about what the meeting was? Check out my announcement here!

Cardigan (similar), Jeans, Loafers (these are crazy comfortable, with no break in period!)
Work, work, work all day long! So cozy clothes it was!

Old Pullover (Similar), Jeans, Slippers
Another work and then a few errands day. It was so beautiful outside that I was actually able to go without a jacket. Also, look who decided to drop in for a picture!

Have a great Monday!
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