Wednesday Wishlist: Nude Pumps

“You see how picky I am about my shoes, and they only go on my feet!” – Cher, Clueless
nude pumps, wishlist, womens shoes, pumps, style, fashion
Oh Cher, never were truer words spoken. I’m ridiculously picky about the shoes I buy. Yes, I have a pretty large shoe collection, but the ones I get, I love and hold on to until they basically fall apart. 
That being said, it’s a little upsetting when it’s time to replace a pair. In this case, I didn’t wear the pair to pieces, I just realized it wasn’t the correct pair for me. You see, nude pumps can be tricky, you need to find a pair that works well with your skin tone. Too pale and you might as well be wearing white shoes, but too tan, and well, throw a pair of cognac shoes on me. In this case, I bought these shoes before I realized this. They were great, but now that I’ve realized my legs are crazy pale, they won’t do anymore (and I’m therefore also selling them on ebay. They’re in great condition if you’re interested in buying, btw).
So the hunt is now on for a pair that’s (1) comfortable, (2) not to high of a heel, and (3), matches my dang skin color.
Do you already own the perfect pair? Where should I look for my pair??
Here are a few more options I’ve rounded up from around the web:

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