The Chambray

It feels like there’s an elephant in the room that I need to address today: fall fashion. If you’ve ever talked to me, you know how much I love Fall (kill your basic thoughts right now).  As a Wisconsin kid, I love being able to feel that chill in the air, pulling out my sweaters, and drinking my hot tea without over heating.
white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray

But you may have noticed some of that missing from here….

Shirt: Previously Seen Here, Similar, Similar / Pants: Similar, Similar / Shoes: Previously seen here, Same, Similar / Necklace: Similar, Similar / Tote: Same, Similar

white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray

white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray
white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray
white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray

white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray

white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray

white denim, jeans, chambray, fall outfits, fashion, style, womens clothing, converse, madewell transport tote, chambray

Shirt: Previously Seen HereSimilarSimilar / Pants: SimilarSimilar / Shoes: Previously seen hereSameSimilar / Necklace: SimilarSimilar / Tote: SameSimilar

Yup, the blog’s been missing a little fall fashion on here. Why? Well DC has been holding steady at 80 degrees lately. Great for eating outside and wandering around. Not so great for throwing on a sweater. Or a scarf. I debated sacrificing my comfort in the name of putting some fall pieces up here…but….this blog is what I’m wearing right now. And right now, I’m not putting a scarf on. I promise you though, as soon as I can start throwing on those sweaters without instantly sweating through it (TMI?), the pictures will be here.

Until then, let’s just relish being able to eat outside. Yes?

Photography by Lauren Joseph

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