The Blush Tank

Slowing down. It’s so hard to do, at least for my type A personality. I had a long list of things I needed to get done this weekend and a set plan for when I needed to do them. But when I woke up with a migraine at 6am on Sunday (my only sleep in day, everything kind of went out the window. 

The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
Jacket: Similar, Similar / Tank: Same, Similar / Jeans: Same, Similar / Shoes: Same, Similar / Necklace: Similar

The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
I couldn’t do more than lay in my bed for a few hours, going in an out of sleep. I was exhausted but I kept thinking of all of the things I wanted to get done and wondering how the heck I was going to do that now. 
The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
It took a few hours, but then I realized, it’s okay if I don’t get everything done. Sure, there were things I really wanted to do, but the world wasn’t going to end if I only managed to do a few things.
The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank

The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
I was able to eventually get out of bed, though the effects of my migraine kept on going throughout the day. 
The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
The Blush Tank | Something Good, spring fashion, style, summer, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, topshop, tank, v cami, white jeans, denim, peep toe ankle booties, jean jacket, blush tank
Jacket: SimilarSimilar / Tank: SameSimilar / Jeans: SameSimilar / Shoes: SameSimilar / Necklace: Similar
I manage to get a few things done, but I wasn’t able to do everything on my list. But, I was completely okay with that.
Photos by Kimberly Graydon

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