I was turned on to Jenny Han‘s books last summer by Janssen last summer when she praised “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.” I picked up the book from the library and read the entire thing in one afternoon. I literally could not get enough of the book and even postponed some plans that afternoon so I could finish it.
After that I started speeding through all of her other books while I anxiously awaited “PS I Still Love You” the sequel to “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.” I still have yet to read “Shug” but other than that, I’ve loved all of her other series. As someone who really loves reading YA, I’ve realized that one of the things I value most is characters who are relate-able and flawed. While some of the situations may not be the same, I can really see some of myself in each of her characters, making her books so enjoyable to read.
One of the things I didn’t realize about Jenny Han, until I saw her speak, was the real reach of her books. After her talk, she did a short Q&A session, inviting the audience to ask her about her life and books. Boy was I completely (and incredibly pleasantly) surprised when people started to line up and there were girls AND boys ranging from middle school readers to older adults, of all races. With a lot of discussion that been’s going on lately about race in the publishing industry (search that on Book Riot if you don’t believe me), it’s so refreshing to see an author who’s books reach everyone. Even though her books center around high school age girls, that doesn’t stop people from reading and loving her books.
If I somehow haven’t convinced you to give Jenny a chance, then just go pick up your own copy of “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” and fall in love on your own. If you’re already ready to pick up more books, then do it! I don’t have a specific order that I would suggest reading the series in, but I unintentionally read the series in reverse publication order and it turned out pretty well.
Here are the books:
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Series, pub 2014-2015
Burn for Burn Series with Siobhan Vivian, pub 2012-2014 (these authors truly write with one voice, it’s amazing)
Summer Series, pub 2009 – 2011
Shug, pub 2006