While I’m a fan of Kate Middleton, at the time I wasn’t one of the girls who woke up at 4am to watch the Royal Wedding or obsess over every detail of her personal life (if you were/are, no judgement here!). So when one of my friends saved “The Royal We” by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan (the fabulous Fug Girls) to their Goodreads list, I was intrigued, but didn’t really think to add this to my need to read right now.
Luckily for me, I was offered a copy of The Royal We to review and share with my readers.
I dove into it and was drawn in right away. The Royal We is based around Bex, a girl from Iowa who decides study abroad in England. While this book is inspired by Kate Middleton and Prince William’s romance, it’s a truly fictional novel that is just plain fun.
The novel begins on the day before Bex’s wedding to Prince Nick when it seems like all hell is breaking loose. Before we can even find out what happened, the novel then goes back to 2007, when Bex is first meeting Nick. Their story is unfurled from there. Flashbacks are continued until we catch up with Bex on the day before her wedding.
Section’s of Bex’s unofficial biography and tabloid articles are included at the beginning of sections. They’re pretty hilarious to read and quickly dispelled by Bex as well. But they’re helpful because they orient you as to where you are in the story and what’s happened in the time that has passed.
One of my favorite things about this book is that while I expected it to be a fun read (which it was), I didn’t expect how tied up into the book I would get.
The writing was so good and the story was incredibly intriguing. I constantly found myself disappointed when it was time to get off of the metro and stop reading.
Also, I have a secret we should keep between us. There was a pretty pivotal scene during the book that while I was reading, I found myself trying to not cry. Did I also mention I was in the middle of a crowded metro? I only kind of succeeded. Don’t worry though, I wasn’t constantly crying throughout the book. I was also laughing, being angry, and being incredibly happy while reading this book. Aka I felt all the emotions.
Basically, this book is a must read. It’s also a must re-read. If you haven’t read it yet, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. Go pick up a copy today!
I now have FIVE copies of The Royal We to giveaway! Enter using the rafflecopter below and good luck.