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Sunday Book Club: My Fall Reading List

Sunday Book Club: My Fall Reading List | Something Good, fate of the tearling, the hopefuls, lady cop makes trouble, wangs vs the world, hag-seed

The fall has hit (though the weather doesn’t seem to believe it) and all the new books are coming out!
My holds list at the library and my list of requests for ARCs (advanced reading copies) just keeps getting longer and longer.  Here’s what I can’t wait to read this fall!

I read the first book in this series, Girl Waits with Gun, and I became so enamoured with the story of the first woman sheriff in this town. While the first book was about how she got to this position, Lady Cop Makes trouble is about her time actually in the position.

The Hopefuls by Jennifer Close
Okay, so this actually came out during the summer, but based on the holds list at the library, I won’t be reading it until later this fall…or winter. Anyways, this book is about a young couple that moves to DC and how their lives get tangled up in it. I just couldn’t resist this story after reading the description!

The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
I got sucked into this series at the beginning of August and I don’t know how it took me this long to discover the series! I’m a little glad that it did though, because I now only have to wait two months before the final book in the series comes out in November.

Hag-Seed Margaret Atwood
Honestly, I just get excited when I hear that something new by Margaret Atwood is coming out. This one was even more exciting though because it’s a retelling of The Tempest. This is actually part of a larger project where authors have been asked to do retellings of their favorite Shakespeare plays (Vinegar Girl was also part of this).
I kept hearing about this book everywhere, so I took it as a sign that it needed to be on my reading list. Here’s to hoping this sign was right!

Are there any books coming out this fall that you’re looking forward to? Let me know!

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