You know when you read an author’s debut novel and it’s absolutely amazing? And all you can think is oh my gosh, I hope that they can pull that off again? You probably forget about them for a bit until hey, you hear a new novel is coming out from them soon! And surprise! It not only lives up to the first one, it’s just as amazing, if not maybe even better. By the time the third one comes around you’re just hoping that it’s not a coincidence and they hit it out of the ballpark. The best part? They do! That’s what reading the past three Fiona Davis novels have been like for me.
Fiona Davis
Before she became an accomplished author, Fiona Davis started as an actress in New York City (on and off Broadway). She eventually moved on to getting her Masters in Journalism from Columbia Journalism School and worked as an editor and freelance writer. From there, she soon became an author.
Fiona Davis Novels
Fiona Davis has three historical fiction novels (my favorite) that are based around a significant building in New York’s history. At the same time, it also simultaneously tells the story of two women and their connection to the building: one in the late 1800s/early 1900s and a woman about half a century later. You get to learn more about each woman as their stories unfold. All of her books are incredibly gripping and the women are flawed, but fascinating heroines.
The Dollhouse
The Dollhouse centers around the Barbizon hotel in 1952 when it’s a hotel for women and half a century later when it’s been turned into condos. In 1952, we get to meet Darby, a secretary school attendee who quickly gets enraptured with New York City’s jazz life. In present day, we meet Rose, a reporter obsessed with Darby’s potential involvement with a maid’s death back in 1952.
The Address
One of the most famous apartment buildings in New York City, The Dakota was merely being built when Sara Smythe was offered the job to work there by the head architect in 1884. In 1985, Bailey Camden is fresh out of rehab and struggling to get back on her feet. Her friend takes her in and offers to give her a job: redoing her apartment in the lavish Dakota building.
The Masterpiece
The newest Fiona Davis novel, The Masterpiece focuses on Grand Central Terminal and the art school that use to exist in it’s upper level. In 1928, Clara is a teacher at the school, struggling to make a living and a name for her self in the art world. In 1974, Virginia Clay is newly divorced and needs to find a job to help keep her and her daughter afloat. Her first assignment from her temp agency? In an office located in Grand Central.
If you haven’t picked up a Fiona Davis novel, now’s the time! They’re all pretty interesting in their own way, so I don’t really think you can go wrong. But I would say to read the descriptions of each more closely and if you think that there’s a topic you’re more interested in (visual art, jazz, architecture, etc.), then start with that one. Otherwise, I think you can read them in any order!