It’s Sunday night and I’m sitting on my couch staring at my calendar for this upcoming week. I’m working three of the five nights, have book club on one, and I’m going to a show on the other. On top of that this past weekend, I was working most of the time and then had a few other things scheduled. Essentially, no downtime for about the next week.
I didn’t plan it this way, it just seem to…..happen.
BP Sweater / American Eagle Outfitters Jeans / Target Booties / Coach Bag (Old, Similar)
BP Sweater / American Eagle Outfitters Jeans / Target Booties / Coach Bag (Old, Similar)
Things were piled on top of other things and then you squeeze in social events where you can. Plus, I try to schedule off an afternoon each weekend for blog work. Sometimes you have a weekend of nothing and sometimes you have a weekend of zero breathing room.
Either way, I’ve quickly learn how to realize when I need to schedule more time for myself:
Is most of your time in your apartment spent either sleeping and just popping back in to change? Yes
Is your bag over filled because you’re packed for three different events? Yes and yes to back pain.
Do you always carry snacks since you’re unclear when you’ll get home for dinner? Definitely yes
Do you pass out within minutes of your head hitting the pillow? Yes.
Is your only time alone when you’re commuting on the crowded metro? Yes.
I don’t know about you, but if I’m answering yes to all of those questions, then I know it’s time to schedule some me time.
I’m very much an introvert (INFJ over here), so it’s really important for me to find enough time to recharge and do it as frequently as needed.
The nice thing is that most of my ways to recharge are pretty simple. It can be just watching tv and coloring or reading a book and drinking tea. Really, if I’m curled up on my couch, I’m a pretty happy camper. I’m also a big crafts and cooking person, so sometimes I’ll make (or bake) something. It really just depends on my mood that day.
What do you do to recharge? And how do you know when you need to recharge?
Photography by Kimberly Graydon
I know I need down time when I start freaking out about my to-do list, even when it’s something really small. I try to block off time over the weekend, but I’ve also found that my running time is great for down time, since it’s both exercise and time by myself. Other down time activities include: do yoga, read a new book, call a friend, write in my journal, take a long hot shower, have a cup of tea. Sometimes I just need 5 minutes to myself and then I can usually get back on track.
I love those downtime ideas! Running is also a great one since you can do it whenever you want and you don’t have to wait for a scheduled class.