Saturday’s Something Good: Five Facts Edition

I decided to mix it up a little this week and instead  of links, give you five facts about me that you might have never known.
1. I have naturally curly hair. Like super curly. But it’s calmed down as I’ve gotten older so I generally straighten it (which is much easier to manage). If I ever feel like letting it go curly, I have to twist it back when it’s still wet and let it air dry like that first.
2. I’m short. Like exactly 5 feet tall short. Except my friends have a tendency to forget how short I actually am and people who have known me for years will hug me and go “Woah, I’ve forgotten how short you are!” It actually makes me forget how short I am and I’ll often comment on how tiny other girls are to which my friends respond, “um, you’re the same size as her.”
3. When I was in third grade, we kept track of how many minutes we read each month. One month, I read over 8,000 minutes. I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure how much I trust my 3rd grade math skills. I think there may have been a lot of rounding up.
4. When I was in high school, I was a major stress baker. I made so many batches of chocolate chip cookies that I had the recipe for them memorized.
5. If you hadn’t gotten the hint from the past few posts, I’m a huge Veronica Mars fan. I watched it from the beginning (back when it was on UPN) and was pretty upset when it ended. I loved it so much, that I donated to the Kickstarter within the first 10 hours of the Kickstarter launching.

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  1. I'm in love with Veronica Mars too and basically all things Kristen Bell. I didn't watch it back in the day on TV but found it on Netflix a few years ago and binged on it. Have you seen the movie yet?

  2. Dana Weinstein on

    Yessss! I saw it on opening day! It was really cool actually since my theater was filled with fans of the series! If you don't get a chance to see it in theaters, you can watch it on amazon prime or itunes!