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Saturday’s Something Good

3. I’ll never be able to look at dessert another way ever again.
4. Minkus!
5. Anna Kendrick strug bus. I just want to be best friends with her. Can someone get that done for me? Kthxbye.
6. 77 Facts That Sound Like Huge Lies But Are Actually Completely True. #8, #11, #15, #20, #64 and #74 are my favorites. #54 is pretty reassuring though.

Catch Up on SG
I bared my legs on Monday, dressed up with Banana Republic on Tuesday, showed you my pastel favorites on Wednesday, and I went floral again on casual Friday.

Inbox: Mrs. Lincoln’s Rival, Onyx and Crake, Stardust
Outbox: Belle Cora, Rules of Civility, Attachments
Queue: Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey, The Illuminaries, Envy

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