Products with a Cause: AUrate New York

One of the things I love about the Products with a Cause series is how often new companies and products that give back seem to pop up! Today, I wanted to share AUrate with you.
AUrate New York is a brand new online jewelry company that offers high quality jewelry for every price range. AUrate’s line, including earrings, pendants, bracelets and rings, are all gold and gold-plated over sterling silver. I don’t know about you, but I personally hate when gold is platted over brass or copper and the gold plating wears off to reveal low quality pieces.
So how does this fit in with Products with a Cause? For each piece of jewelry purchased at AUrate, the company provides a book to a child from an underrepresented background.Books are carefully selected so they are at an appropriate grade level, both academically and emotionally for each child. AUrate understands that not only do around 40% of US 4th graders do not achieve basic levels of reading proficiency, but also that 2/3 of American children living in poverty have no books at home. 
By purchasing a piece of jewelry from AUrate, you’re helping to put books in the hands of disadvantaged children.
photos c/o AUrate, collage above created by me.
Want to see other Product with Cause features? Check them out here.
This post is brought to you by AUrate, but as always, all opinions are my own.

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  1. Girl and the Polka Dot on

    Beautiful products


  2. their pieces are beautiful and affordable

  3. Yes, they really are!

  4. Yes! I would definitely suggest looking around the site!