It’s really flipping cold outside now and I don’t know about you, but I need something to distract me when I’m walking around outside. I like getting to listen to other people talk or feel like I have someone walking with me, even if I don’t. That’s why I’ve really started to lean hard into podcasts and they’ve really become part of my day to day life. I listen to them when I’m getting ready in the morning, on my way to work, at work, when I’m running errands. Basically, ALL THE TIME.
I love having new podcasts introduced to me and being introduced to a new host and a whole new cast of characters along with that. I’m pretty sure that in the past year alone, I’ve added a whole handful of new podcasts to my phone to start bringing new voices into the rotation. That’s why I thought it might be fun to share what I think are some of the podcasts you need to listen to in 2018. Some are super new, some are by no means new at all. But they’re all podcasts I started listened to in 2017, and I hope you’ll enjoy some of them in 2018.
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1. Adderall and Compliments
This needed to top the list. When I first heard about Annabelle on The Skinny Confidential, I truthfully thought she was going to annoy me. The complete opposite ended up happening. This girl is hilarous (she even use to write for Joan Rivers)! She knows exactly who she is and has no problem making fun of herself or her love of the Real Housewives. Plus, I love how frank and open she is about her struggles with depression and anxiety. She has had a lot of issues surrounding that, but she talks about it in such an open way, I can see her easily inspiring others to have open conversations about anything that they’re struggling with.
2. 2 Dope Queens
What the heck took me so long to start this one?? I love Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams and I love them even more together. I’ll be honest, sometimes I skip through the parts where they bring other comedians on to the show and go straight to when Jessica and Phoebe are talking with each other. Or when they’re interviewing a guest. They play off of each other so well, it’s amazing.
3. Lady Lovin / LadyGang
Okay, so these are two different podcasts, but for the sake of simplicity, I’m grouping them together. Both are three ladies discussing their lives and things that effect women in general. The main differences? Lady Lovin goes more personal, while LadyGang leans more Hollywood (which would make sense since there’s an actor and reporter on the show). Both are great and un to listen to though.
4. Levar Burton Reads
Reading Rainbow didn’t come back…but Levar Burton did! And now he’s reading short stories to you whenever you want. These are all short stories that he’s curated specifically for this podcast. I’ll be hoenst, sometimes I just put this on to take a nap to because his voice is so soothing.
5. Planet Money
This show is nowhere near new, I know. But I started listening to it frequently this year, so it made the list. I don’t know why it took until this year, but it did and now I’m hooked. I love how they break down money related stories. I’ve also loved getting an inside look at things I would have never even thought about before (how does one get their own satellite into space).
6. Reality Bytes
I originally started listening to this because it was hosted by Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn 99) and her best friend Courtney Kocak, but in 2017 she had to take a step back because of her shooting schedule. With a new co-host, the show has taken a completely different turn. I feel like it’s given me a chance to look inside other people’s relationships and learn about things I would have never even thought to ask. It really gives you a whole new perspective on how people view dating and the dating world.
7. The Librarian Is In
Books, books, and more books! During the first episode I listened to, these two librarians talked about a book where America decide to pursue the idea of breeding hippos in the south. Chaos ensued (because duh). Really, that was all they had to do to hook me.
8. This is Why You’re Single
Sorry, but that was too perfect of a follow up. Hopefully the title is self explanatory enough. But in case it wasn’t, Laura and Angela break down dating do’s and don’ts for listeners in the most entertaining way. They also bring on fun guests in the dating world to give new and interesting perspectives in the dating world.
9. The Strategy Hour
The best podcast for entrepreneurs and bloggers. Mic drop.
10. 100 Days for Good
Nerd Alert! Okay, so I work in the nonprofit world/independent sector and things that effect my world have been happening at rapid pace in the government this year. I can’t keep up. Luckily, I have someone helping me out. Independent Sector started a podcast early last year to help keep nonprofits/NGOs up to date about whats happenng in Washington, DC and how it effects them. They also talk about recent legislature and really break down what’s going on (as far as anyone knows). No matter what your opinion is, this is a really great and informative show.
Now I want to hear about some of your favorite podcasts! What are you listening to? Also, if you want to read about some of my other favorite podcasts, check out this post.
Photography by Kimberly Graydon
Ooh I am always running out of episodes of my go-to podcasts, so I love new suggestions, especially book-related ones. Will definitely check out The Librarian Is In. And the Lady Lovin/Ladygang options sound like a fun changeup from what I’m usually listening to.