May Budget

2014 May Budget
1. Madewell Skirt – $312. Gap Eyelet-back sweatshirt dress – $13.19 
3. Old Navy Women’s Fit & Flare Jersey White Stripe – $7.5 (Not available)
4. Sole Society Morganne Flat – $55.21
5. Halogen® ‘Kylie’ Flat – $52.9
6. Sole Society Basic Straw Fedora – $19.51
7. Madewell Jacket – $165
8. Loft Petite Coated Linen Cotton Jacket  – $64

Not Pictured:

LULUS Exclusive Just a Twirl Navy Blue Striped Dress – $28.70
J. Crew Petite silk racer tank in antique floral – $55.99

Money Earned:

Ebates Check – $55
Clothing Sales – $108

Total spent: $330

This has been an odd month, shopping wise. Most of my purchases were made at either the very beginning of the month or the very end of the month. I also returned significantly more than I kept, including some items that I thought were going to be keepers.
 Finally, I made two large purchases that were a long time coming. I realized that I didn’t have any light weight spring/summer jackets that could hold up in the rain. If you’ve been to DC this time of year, you understand how important that is with all of the random thunderstorms. I explained this to my mom when we were visiting NYC at the beginning of the summer and we decided to go shopping while my dad was doing his crazy Bike the Boroughs trip. I found this awesome Madewell jacket that my mom convinced me was worth the price tag (and lack of discounts, first time I’ve done that in a LONG time) and would last for long enough to make the purchase worth while. On my way back to DC, I remembered that I had already ordered a Loft jacket for the same purpose. I figured I would return that once I tried it on…..but if you’ve seen my Jonas Umbrellas post, you can tell that didn’t happen.
 The funniest part of all of this for me though? When I called my mom and told her I didn’t know if I should keep both of them or not, her first response? “Dana, I think you’re at the point in your life when you can own more than one jacket for that season.” I love my mom.
That ended up being much longer than I expected. Round of applause for those of you who kept reading. And a round of applause for my mom, cause she’s pretty awesome too.

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