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My reading list just keeps getting longer and longer and longer. But honestly, the books that are getting added to them are so good, that I can’t complain. This month started out pretty slow reading wise, but it picked up a lot. I think I ended up about 50/50 great reads and meh reads. Read on to see what I loved.

Again, but Better by Christine Riccio
I loved this book a lot more than I expected to. Primarily because as I was reading this, I was going “this is good, but the plot seems to be going by really quickly…and I don’t seem to get where it’s going. But once the plot hit it’s turning point, I got it. And I loved it. I won’t spoil this twist but this novel was a great read and a perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon. It’s perfect for any sliding doors fan.
Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal
Every time I read a new version of Pride and Prejudice, I think that it’s my favorite one….but this one might actually be the winner. In this retelling, the story takes place in Pakistan and the “Elizabeth” and “Jane” characters are teachers who are considered old maids (aka 30 year olds) who can’t seem to be married off. What I love about this story is that it really delves into the customs of Pakistan and the culture there. It’s a fascinating read, but the novel overall is so good. I recommend it 100%.
Defending Jacob by William Landay
I can’t remember where I saw this book suggested, but it sounded like an interesting premise, so I figured why not? The city’s district attorney is assigned to a case when a local high school student is murdered one morning. Everything seems to be on track, until his sun becomes the primary suspect of the investigation. It had it’s moments, but it definitely wasn’t my favorite mystery novel.
The Perfect Nanny by Leïla Slimani
I wanted to like this book (it got such good recommendations from people), but I didn’t. The nanny drove me up the wall from the beginning and I was just waiting for her to crack. I probably should have just stopped reading it, but I felt determined to continue to finish, for some unknown reason.
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli
Everything by Becky Albertalli is amazing and this book was no exception. It was just so cute and I loved the idea of a romance between the jaded New York High schooler and the starry-eyed high schooler visiting New York for the summer. If you can get a hold of this book on audio, it’s definitely the best way to read it.
The Breakdown by B.A. Paris
I was basically going back and forth on my feelings about this book as I was reading it. There were points when I got so frustrated with the main character and her husband (the lack of communication!). But then there were moments when she finally started kicking and I started to like it again. The twist was interesting enough though, but if you’re a thriller reading, you could probably have guessed it.
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee
When I read the first book in this series, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, I didn’t like it. But I think it was a case of not enjoying the main character. Because when I heard about the second book coming out and I found out that the protagonist would be the sister, I was so excited. She was a spunky mischief maker who was interested in becoming a doctor. This novel follows her trying to get into medical school and the surprising journey it ends up taking her on. It was a fun read and I hope the next book follows her or one of her friends from this book.
On the Come Up by Angie Thomas
I actually wrote a whole post about this one! Check it out!
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus
A thriller about a teen who loves thrillers and gets caught up in a thriller? I’m in. I think I read this book in one afternoon (or one evening). Every time I thought I figured it out what was going on, there was another twist and I was wrong again. Trust me, this is the next book you want to pick up for your weekend read.
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth
I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this book. I picked it up for my book club (that I ended up not being able to go to) and I ended up finding it fascinating. It plays with the idea that FDR doesn’t get elected to a third term and instead Charles Lindbergh does. Instead of treating the novel like a history book (which it could have), it instead focuses in on one Jewish family in a New Jersey suburb of New York. It shows how this changes effects their lives and splits their community.
American Prince & American King by Sierra Simone
During my February 2019 Reading List, I mentioned reading the first novel in this series, American Queen. The novel turned out to be, um, a little more adult that I was expecting. These two did not deviate from that. Actually, they dove more into it. A lot more into it. I kept with the series because I was curious where they were going with the present day plot. However, they did a lot of diving back into the past, which got a little frustrating. It went back over the same events from book to book and though it revealed a few more details each time, it felt a bit repetitive. Would I recommend this series? Uhhh, well probably not. It was a mental break, but if you need a mental break, with a side of adult content, I have some better suggestions.
That’s all for this month! Let me know what’s on your reading list!
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