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Madewell has always seemed like one of those “Treat yo’self” brands to me. Since the prices from are a little bit higher (with the exception of their jewelry, which I love), getting something from there is always a bit of a treat. It’s also likely something that I’m going to have to save up for or hold off on buying. The great part though, is that most of the time, it’s completely worth it. The pieces from there last for so long and you really get your cost per wear for each item. I’ve gotten one of my favorite navy mini skirts, my amazing d’orsay flats, and this perfect button up peplum. Today, we’re going to talk about one of my favorite accessories purchase from Madewell, the Madewell Transport Tote (Edit: Dana from 2024 here, Madewell has renamed the tote to “The Essential Tote.” It’s still just as wonderful!).

Ralph Lauren Coat (Old, Very Similar, Similar)
Madewell The Transport Tote (now called The Essential Tote)
Aeo Jegging (Old, Similar, Similar)
J.Crew Factory Top (old, Similar, Similar)
Halogen® x Atlantic-Pacific Flat (Sold Out, similar, similar)

Madewell Transport Tote Review
The style of the tote is fairly straightforward. It’s a square, leather tote with two shorter leather shoulder straps. The inside of the bag isn’t filled with extra pockets or funky features. It had one simple zip pocket at the top to hold any look change or valuables, but other than that, it’s a fairly empty bag. I know it’s something that may drive some people crazy, but I actually love the freedom it gives people. You can choose to put an organizer into the bag, or you can simply put things in without any dividers forcing a structure on you.
Additionally, the lack of inside dividers takes out any additional weight that the bag might have otherwise. This allows the bag to be much more lightweight and a bag that has a lighter starting point will continue to be lighter than your average bags.
Finally, with the originally tote, it has an open top, with no zipper or clasp to close the top. On new variations of the bag, they have included zippers so you can close it.

As I mentioned earlier, the bag has a rectangular shape to it. Additionally, it has a rectangular bottom, allowing for a wider base. However, there isn’t a shaper built into the bottom. This can cause some sag in the bag when you don’t have as many things in it. The great thing about this bag though is that it’s pretty easy to get a shaper for the bottom of the bag, if you want it to continue to have a flat bottom, despite what’s in it. Personally, I’m pretty happy with the bag however it is, but I can understand the want for that visually appealing straight bottom.
If you’re interested in knowing the dimensions of the original transport tote, here they are! The bag is 14 inches wide, 14 inches high, and 6 inches deep. The strap drop is eight inches.

The quality of this bag? It’s good. Like really really good. Each bag is made from two pieces of leather that has been professionally cleaned and made of vegetable tanned leather that burnishes with wear and creates a gloss or sheen over time.
The shoulder straps may also look tiny, but they’re incredibly sturdy and can hold up after a lot of wear and heavy books.
When it comes to pricing this tote, I’ll be frank about the price, it’s $168. It’s not cheap. It’s also tempting to go cheap and just pick up the knockoff version from somewhere else, especially when there are so many other version of them now. But let’s put this into prospective, yes. On to the next point!

Cost Per Wear
In terms of cost per wear, this bag is not a one time use bag. Whether you’re still in school or in the working world, you can easily use this bag. You may need to switch up the color, but it’ll be great for either of those locations. You’ll notice that the bag looks great for either look and your outfit will go with it either way! If you buy a cheaper bag, you take the risk of the bag falling apart before you can even get the bag down to a good cost per wear amount. Why not just get the better bag and save your money from having to realize it replace it every two years?

Additional Versions
Since this bag was such a big success, in the last few years, Madewell has been putting out new iterations of the tote. I absolutely love some of the options, so I thought I would share them with you below.
How To Style The Transport Tote
One of my favorite outfits to wear my tote bag with is just simple jeans (preferably my ripped jeans). It’s just an easy, relaxed outfit that i can wear when I’m going to get some work down over the weekend. On those days, I’ll throw on a tee and sweater, grab my bag and head to the coffee shop to get some work done.
White Denim
I have to add that white jeans and this cognac bag look SO GOOD together. The white background makes the cognac really pop and stand out.

What’s the number one way to look like you know what’s going on? Throw a blazer on with your outfit. Just make sure the color of your blazer doesn’t clash against the tote. With this leather tote, I think that most of them are okay, but I would actually suggest to stay away from pairing a gray blazer with a cognac bag. The color combo isn’t the best pairing.
I told you this bag would look good with your work dresses! Now, I would like to add that this bag isn’t for the days when you have to wear a suit and be a little more business-formal. If that’s the case, grab a different bag. But if your office is a little more business casual that day (or all the time), pull out your leather tote and start using it!
Do you like any of my ideas? Check out my outfits below to see how I styled my bag!

Ralph Lauren Coat (Old, Very Similar, Similar)
Madewell The Transport Tote (now called The Essential Tote)
Aeo Jegging (Old, Similar, Similar)
J.Crew Factory Top (old, Similar, Similar)
Halogen® x Atlantic-Pacific Flat (Sold Out, similar, similar)
Outfits With Madewell’s Transport Tote

Photos by Kimberly Graydon
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