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Week Whatever of Quarantine, Vol. 4

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I wasn’t sure if I could still justify doing this “Week Whatever of Quarantine” series since I don’t know if I’m technically still in quarantine. The stay at home order in D.C. was lifted, but we’re only in phase one of reopening things. If anything, I’m in a basically self-imposed stay at home order. I’m still working from home and I’m DEFINITELY not going to restaurants. Is there really anywhere else to go anyways?

Now let’s talk about the fun stuff!

Halogen x Atlantic Pacific Sweater (Similar, Similar, Similar)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Old Navy Boyfriend Jeans (Similar, Similar, Similar)Everlane Day Gloves (Similar, Similar, Similar)Coach Bag (old, Similar, Similar, Similar)

Weird Purchases

I haven’t gotten to use them yet, but I ordered these Sally Hansen Nail Guards. They’re supposed to help you when you’re painting your nails so you don’t get nail polish everywhere. Will they work? I’ll let you know!

I also picked a cell phone stand. Why? Well, I use my phone a lot to pull up recipes, but I was so sick of having to have it lay on the counter and trying to read off of that. Stupid problem? Yes. But also easily solvable! This one is super not fancy and it gets the job done. I also love having it by my desk so I can see it while I’m working.

Finally, I may have gone a little kickstarter crazy. I participated in this project and this one. But I couldn’t help it. Both projects looked amazing and I loved the product idea!

What I’ve Been Reading: Intercepted by Alexa Martin

Okay, so if you follow me on Instagram then you probably saw my multiple stories post about Intercepted by Alexa Martin and the rest of her Playbook series. Guys, I am OBSESSED. I don’t know how it took me this long to start the series (and then I read the entire series in about 3 days). The series starts with Intercepted which focuses on Marlee, the girlfriend of a NFL star. Each book focuses around a different woman and how her life becomes entangled with a different member of the NFL team, The Mustangs. But honestly, the series is so much more than that. The friendships that the women develop in the series are amazing. While I was reading these books, I just kept wishing that these characters were real because I wanted to go hang out with the women.

Currently there are three books in the series: Intercepted, Fumbled, and Blitzed. Her fourth book, Snapped, comes out this fall. EVEN BETTER, there’s going to be a tv series coming based on “Intercepted.”

Guys, I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole I don’t want to get out of. Add Intercepted by Alexa Martin to your TBR list now! Then go read the rest of the series.

What I’ve Been Watching

It’s been so hard to get anything to stick lately. I’ll start watching something and then abandon it just as easily. BUT I have gotten a few shows to stick (thank god). Since my currently update with all of period shows, here’s what I’ve been watching:

Let me know what you’ve been watching and if you have any suggestions though!

Other random things

Time off

Last week I realized that I had enough built up vacation hours and no where to go so I decided to give myself Fridays off for the rest of the summer. Last week was my first Friday off and it was amazing. I clean my apartment over the weekend, did laundry, and got to a bunch of other tasks I had been putting off. Will every weekend be that productive? Heck no. But it was nice to finally feel like I had some of my own time back.


I’ve finally expanded my baking from banana bread muffins and branched out M&M chocolate chip cookies. I just had a really bad craving for them one day and decided to go all in. There are a few other things I want to try out, but I’m going to need to find some willing test-tasters so all of the results aren’t hanging out in my apartment.


I’ve FINALLY finished the project I’ve been working on since quarantine basically started. It’s been sent off so I can now go back to working on a project that I had set aside. This one is much smaller so it’ll hopefully go much faster. Fingers crossed!

How have you been doing? Is your city opened back up?

Your BLM resource of the day:

The film Just Mercy is about the work of civil rights activist attorney Bryan Stevenson. For the month of June it will be available to rent for free across digital platforms. This is an amazing film to watch to learn about the injustices of the past, so I highly encourage you to watch it this month.

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