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This past summer has been a horror story on my skin. Why? Well, between wearing a mask outside in DC and the high levels of stress, my face is basically over it. But primarily due to the heat and high humidity, the the areas of my face covered by my mask have been breaking out. And I know it can’t just be me, since the term “maskne” (mask-acne, ha ha) has now been coined by multiple beauty brands.
But what can we do to deal with it? What can we do to figure out how to prevent mask acne?
Since I’m not going to stop wearing my mask (and we’re not going to get into a debate about that here), I’ve found some other things I can shift to help my skin.

How to Prevent Mask Acne
Little to No Make Up
These days, after I’m done with my morning routine (cleanse, treat, moisturize), all I’m putting on is my tinted moisturized and leaving it at that. My favorites are the Bare Minerals and Beautycounter Dew Skin. Both have SPF so I don’t need to worry about also putting on sunscreen. Lately I’ve been leaning more towards the Beautycounter Dew Skin since it feels a little more lightweight.
Charcoal Face Masks
Remember when face masks gave us all visions of spa days and cucumbers? Well, non-fabric face masks are more important than ever now when it comes to treating our skin. I did a charcoal face masks on Sunday night and I could actually see it pulling all of the crap out of my skin that had built up. It was disgusting and exciting all at the same time. It also make me realize that I need to do it more often. The face mask that I use only takes about 10 minutes, so I can put it on on Sunday night, do a few chores and then take it off. It’s such a simple fix, but it can do a world of good.
Wash Your Dang Face Mask
You wouldn’t wear the same workout clothes that you sweat in every day, so why would you wear the same mask that you sweat in everyday? The sweat and bacteria is going to build up on your mask, which will then be sitting on your face. No good.
Yes, washing your facemask every day can be a pain in the butt, but companies are making it so easy now. Just head over to Old Navy and buy two of their five pack of masks. Then you’ll have one for every day of the week. At the end of the week, throw them in the wash with your laundry, and you’ll have fresh face masks for the new week. Easy peasy.
Change Your Face Mask to one with a silk fabric!
Are you using just a face mask made out of a piece of fabric? I have been and I didn’t even think about looking into other options. Yesterday, I came across this silk face mask and ordered it immediately. Silk can be great for your skin, so why not get one in face maks form? This one has amazing reviews and if it can help keep my skin clear, why not try it?
(Please remember though, nothing on Etsy is medical grade, so if you want that, you need to go somewhere else.)
These are just a few simple things you can do to help prevent your mask acne! If you want to take it a step further, you can always look into the serums you’re using or talk with your dermatologist about better solutions for you.
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