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Another reader request! The gift guide for kids! Now, you may be thinking, why the heck is this girl posting about a gift guide for kids? How would she even know what kids like?
Well, let me calm your nerves: first, I’m doing this post because it was requested by a reader and some of my readers do in fact have children! Second, while I do not have children, I baby sit for a LOT of them. So I know what toys they love and what toys parents like to make disappear (and what toys I’ve helped parents disappear). Finally, my job actually involves working with companies that make educational children’s toys! Could I be anymore qualified? (Okay, yeah, I guess having children would make me more qualified, be quiet and just keep reading.)
So based on my background knowledge and checking in with parents, I’ve created my newest gift guide for you!

Gift Guide for Kids
Subscription Boxes
Yes, your kids can have subscription boxes too! They’re great for kids because then it’s like you’re the best parent because you’re getting them a present EVERY MONTH.

Kiwi Crates
These crates are so amazing because you can not only personalize them based on age, but you can also have it focus on different learning areas, such as science, geography, art, and culture. They’re great ways to help your kids learn, but also have a lot of fun. Plus, if you explain to your kids that after they build the project, there’s another one coming, you can convince them to toss it. No extra waste involved!

Raddish Kids
Do you have a mini cook in your kitchen? Raddish Kids can help to jumpstart their culinary ambitions and find ways that they can join you in the kitchen. It will also help them to learn how to eat those picky foods they just cooked! PS If you set up your subscription through Amazon right now, you’ll get a great deal!
Of course I have to suggest books! I grew up as a crazy reading child!

Berenstain Bears
I’m so happy to know that kids still love the Berenstain Bears. I love reading them to kids and I love when the kids I’m babysitting for pick them out to read. Honestly, there are just so many times when kids pick out books that you don’t want to read, it’s so exciting when they pick up books you love to read. If you don’t know where to start, I would suggest The Big Book of the Berenstain Bears. Or find the topic that your kids love the most and go from there!

Paint by Stickers
Remember Paint by Number? Here’s the car friendly version! it’s perfect for long car rides or just entertaining kids at home. There are also plenty of other versions of this book too!

The Magic Tree House
I really thought that this series had ended when I was a kid, but it’s apparently picked back up! It’s a great series for a kid who is ready for chapter books, boy or girl.

Illustrated Harry Potter Books
Any child who loves Harry Potter or is ready to love Harry Potter will LOVE these. Really, any adult will love these. They’re so beautiful and you’ll love reading them to your kids at night. PS Right now you can get 3 of them for the price of 2 at Amazon!!

Audible Subscription… and/or a Fire Kids Tablet
Okay, maybe this is more for your than your kid. But you can entertain them for HOURS with an audiobook! There are so many audiobooks for kids, it’s crazy. Right now you can get a free 30 day trial with 1 audiobook + 2 audible originals. You can also make the deal a little sweeter by adding in this kids tablet for them to listen to their audiobooks on.
Picasso Tiles
Magnetic tiles, no matter what brand (PicassoTiles, Magnatiles, Mega Blocks), are the current love language for kids. They can use them to easily build crazy cool towers to their heart’s content! This set is one of the best deals I’ve found with 100 pieces for $50 at Amazon! Plus, right now you can get an extra $5 off coupon. It’s also currently $38 at Walmart!

I was torn on including this one because my friend said that she hates this toy, but her 8 year old’s love for it outweighed her hatred. So take this one with a grain of salt and take your sanity into consideration along with your love for your child. I really can’t tell you which to care about more.

I would never in 100 years have ever though to suggest this, but one of the families that I babysit for got this last Christmas for their two kids and it’s the most brilliant thing ever. It’s just a small trampoline with netting to keep your kids from going flying. Their kids stay entertained for at least an hour and it fits in small backyards. Plus, it’s $100, but your kids will think you spent so much more.
So how did I do? Do you think you’ll pick up any of these options for your kids, nieces, and nephews? Don’t forget to also check out my Gift Guide for Men!
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