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I’m in a rut. I don’t know if it’s a creativity rut or just a general rut, but I’ve definitely been in a rut. It’s also made it a little hard to push out content this week, hence the lack of posts. Since it’s been a little hard to get myself to write blog posts, I thought I would share what I’ve been doing in the meantime (especially in an effort to motivate/get myself out of a rut).

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Everlane 40-Hour Flat c/o (Similar, Similar Discounted, Similar Loafer)

What I’m Doing to Get Myself Out of a Rut
I’ve been reading basically everything that’s coming my way. Like, plowing through audiobooks and all of the hardcovers and paperbacks laying around my apartment.
I have a bad habit of adding podcasts to my queue and then not listening to them because I’m listening to audiobooks. Well, I’m trying to be better about that now too. Plus, if I don’t want to listen to episodes or old shows anymore, I’m deleting them anymore. Why do they need to be there if I don’t want to listen?

Deleting Things
Deleting things is my new favorite habit. It’s deleting apps on my phone, photos, cleaning out files, basically just cleaning out digital things. It just feels so good! Also, deleting things in the real world. My boyfriend loves throwing things out and I’m trying to be better about that. I’m trying to get rid of more things from my closet and donate more clothes. Also, I’m trying to throw out more things around the house so it can be less clutter filled. Let’s delete everything!

Needlepointing and Planning More Projects
Have I mentioned I love needlepoint? It’s such a calming thing and I love that I can do it while watching tv or listening to an audiobook. Even though the projects take some time, it’s fun to search for my next project online and plan it out. There are so many fun canvases to look through, I just want to needlepoint more!

Back to Cooking
These past few months felt like I took a seat back from doing that much cooking. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because I was rearranging my entire kitchen? Maybe because I was too tired. Who knew. But after making some cookies for a friend’s birthday, I realized how calming of an activity it was too! I don’t know if I want to do more baking or cooking, but I think I want to be back in the kitchen more.
Is that it for now? Did this finally break my blogging rut? I have no idea. Hopefully I’ll get back into the groove of blogging soon and have more things to talk about! But in the mean time, what’s going on in your life?! Please share with me!

Photos by Kimberly Graydon
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