Friday Night Links

Is it weird that I’m really disappointed that they’re saying that DC won’t get that much snow this year?
Ordered these leggings but I’m SO nervous about ordering something that I can’t return. Fingers crossed they’re perfect.
Just started reading Brown Girl Dreaming and I’m already in love with it.
Into the Woods was wonderful and didn’t disappoint at all. Go see it now if you haven’t already.
Honestly, I’m just debating hanging this dress on my wall because I could stare at it all day.
These boots. These magical boots that I already ordered in black because the brown was so wonderful.
These Shopbop markdowns are GOOD.
Woman attempts to outrun DC metro and wins. Now, try doing that between stops in Chinatown during rush hour. Have fun. But seriously, I am very impressed by her.
So I may have saved all of cycle 21 of America’s Next Top Model on hulu for a sick day. Well that sick day came and ANTM was binge watched. That made it even funnier to read Washingtonian’s article about the absurd questions on model applications. Really, they should just write on top of the applications, “if you don’t have a tragic past or you aren’t going to cause drama, you need not apply.”
These pictures make me want to clean my closet and become a minimalist right now. 
Insert comment about Serial and Jay’s surprise interview here.
And finally, rest in peace Edward Herrman. As Rory’s grandfather on Gilmore Girls, you were the best TV grandfather a girl could hope for

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