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Friday Night Links


Do Good

I’ve mentioned it a few times on here and on one or two twitter rants, but I’ve actually been having some back end issues with my site for the past month. Between my site completely going down and losing email access for a week, it’s been pretty tear-out-hair frustrating. Luckily everything has been switched over to a new domain host and everything should be working perfectly again.
In honor of that mess, I decided that this week I wanted to go a little techie on you. Girls who Code is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring and equipping girls with computing skills. They recognize that there is a serious gender imbalance in the computing field and they’re working to expose girls to computer science at a young age to lead more women to working in the technology and engineering field.
Want to become more involved? Luckily Girls Who Code has plenty of opportunities to volunteer with a GWC Club or offer internships to their alumni base! Also, if you think your city or school would be better off with Girls Who Code or you want to share your company’s expertise with the girls, you can contact them and set something up!
Of course, there is always the option to donate, because there’s nothing wrong with helping nonprofits be able to keep the lights on.
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