Friday Night Links

By Jeremy Jordan.   Wonderful words. One that I share with my teens as they head out on their careers of Broadway and West End:

Do Something Good

Have I mentioned how much I love my alma mater, Carnegie Mellon? I had a great experience during undergrad there and then I’ve had reason after reason to be proud post graduation. What does this have to do with anything (or something good for that matter)? Well, a few years ago, Carnegie Mellon partnered with the Tony Awards (!!!) to award teachers with the Excellence in Theatre Education Award. This is award is for the teachers who create the next generation of theater artists through nuturing, inspiring, and sending them on a lifelong journey.

The most amazing part about this award? Students can nominate their teachers for it! Students (or alumni) have until March 7, 2016 to nominate their teachers and share why their teacher is so amazing. Learn more about the award from Renee Elise Goldsberry and nominate your teacher!

On Something Good

Read Something Good
The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight
(I figured I should share this since it was on my snapchat last night. Look up username danaerinw on snapchat to see all my snaps!)

Shopping Time

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