Friday Night Links

Friday Night Links | Something Good
Do Something Good

If you weren’t aware, there’s going to be a historic event in DC tomorrow. Over 200,000 women are planning on going to DC to march and make sure that the message of the march is loud and clear: women’s rights are human rights.”

Not everyone can easily make it to DC though.But that’s okay, there are a number of ways that you can support the march from your home. From wearing your support to volunteering/donating, or attending a march in your local area, you can join in too.

If you do decided to join in, make sure to share your support on social media using the hashtag #WhyIMarch.

On Something Good

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  1. I wish I could be there to march! My mom and sister are doing the one in Chicago, but I’m all the way over in Austin for work…

    • Did they enjoy it? A cold sadly kept me away, but I was following it all over twitter, and snapchat, and facebook live (yay social media).

  2. I’ve been wanting to see the Hidden Figures movie, but I almost never go to the theater. Maybe I’ll read the book instead for now too and then watch it when it comes out!

    • I normally go book then movie (since I rarely go to the movie theater), but I think I’m actually kind of happy I did the movie first. Since the book throws a lot of names at you, it makes it a little easier to put names to faces and not get confused in all of the names.