Four Favorites: January Favorites

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Oh January, it’s only the 15th and we’ve already seen the polar vortex. And then a swing up to 60 degrees. And then icy side walks. And now it’s suppose to rain/snow again. Go home January, you’re drunk. 

soup bowls, anthropologie, dotted tights, pattern tights, slouchy hats, cable knit hats, beanies, aveeno lotion

But let’s focus on something good and talk about our January favorites.

Soup (and soup bowls)

Is there anything better than warm soup? Okay, if I’m being honest, I’m not a huge soup person, but I love chicken noodle soup. Also matzoh ball soup, but that’s basically the same thing. These super cute soup bowls would make having soup for dinner or lunch so much better!

Polka Dot Tights

‘Tis the season to wear tights, fa la la la la. Okay, I’ll stop now. I use to hate tights, but I completely embrace them now. Especially when you can get tights with polka dots! I have to be careful with these tights though, because they’re pretty delicate. They can also tear pretty easily. If it’s really cold, then I skip the whimsy and go with fleece lined tights. If you haven’t tried fleece lined tights, then your life is missing something. Go get a pair and fix that now.

Cable Knit Beanie

Forget all other hats, beanies are my favorites! Especially super soft cable knit, slouchy beanies. Was that too many words? They’re perfectly slouchy and they cover your head just enough. Plus, you can get a heavier knit if you need it.

Aveeno Lotion

Sometimes I feel like I must have paper thin skin. I need a full gallon of lotion during the winter! My skin cracks so easily. In my opinion, Aveeno is the BEST lotion for soothing your skin. If you haven’t tried it, you need to immediately!

Linking up with Ashlyn and  Kristin for 4 Favorites this week!

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