I Had a Nice Time And Other Lies… by The Betches
If you read this one, you need to do it on audio. It’s honestly like having a bunch of girls grab you and sit you down to give you some fun dating advice. There’s a handful of stuff I may take with a grain of salt, but there was actually a lot of handy dating advice in here. It was also a nice reminder to look at dating as just a fun thing to do to meet more people. If you think of it as terrible and boring, that’s what it’s going to be. If you keep it fun, it will be fun.
It was also just nice to be told repeatedly how awesome I am.
The Elizas by Sara Shepard
The Elizas doesn’t come out until April 17th, (I received an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review), but I’m pretty excited for you guys to read this one. Typically Sara Shepard’s books are in series or at least duo’s, but this is the first stand alone, not YA book I’ve read of her’s (she wrote the Pretty Little Liars series). This book tells the story of Eliza, a recovering brain tumor patient, potential alcoholic, and current author. Her first novel is about to come out but her life is starting to get very odd. The novel starts with someone trying to drown her and as she tries to figure out who did it, her life starts to become more confused with the characters in her novel. There were a few things that I did guess in the book, but there were twists I was not expecting. Once I got into it, had problems putting it down because I just wanted to know what the heck was going on! Once you get to read it, I think you’ll feel the same way.
Unbelievable by Katy Tur
I was really nervous about reading this book because I thought I would just feel sick reading it the entire time. I feel a little better when I opened it and the first line of the book was “I think I’m going to throw up.” I just thought, “Me too, Tur.” And kept reading. From then on I was all in on Katy Tur’s story. It was a little weird to read, right around the one year mark of the Women’s March, but also gave a weirdly new light to it. If anyone was interested in picking it up, I would highly recommend it.
The Tumbling Turner Sisters by Juliette Fay
If you’ve ever been into Vaudeville, this is a great book for you. It tells the story of a mother who makes her girls learn how to tumble so they can create a vaudeville act and earn more money. It’s a little quirky, but I liked reading the stories about the different towns and people. I also loved seeing how the author wove real Vaudeville personalities and acts into the story.
You’re Welcome, Universe by Whitney Gardner
A fun and interesting YA read about the deaf community, street art, and why we should all be happy we’re not in high school anymore.
This Is Just My Face by Gabourey Sidibe
Truth corner: I haven’t seen the movie Precious. I’ve also only seen a few episodes of Empire that Gabourey is in. But I hear that this book was amazing, so who am I to say no to a good book? It turned out to be the perfect mix of sad, sweet, and hilarious. It was interesting to hear about how Sidibe originally had no intentions of being an actor, her life growing up, and her time as a sex phone operator (I kid you not). This is another where you definitely need to do the audio.
The Ends of the World by Maggie Hall
I’m not super crazy about this serious, but I needed to read the last book in it. It was just as cheesey as expected, with a little more Alexander the Great history thrown in. I probably could have read the synopsis and could have been fine. It was fun to read in an afternoon though.
This is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel
I loved this book! I had been putting off reading it (for no real reason) and now I have no idea why. It was so good, and heartbreaking at the same time. Feel free to read the synopsis online, but I would suggest just going in blind instead.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Remember when I told you about Angel’s Game? Well, surprise! There’s a prequel! It’s just as beautifully written and just as good, but I have to say, it’s about doubble as gory-y. I’m fine with that in a book, if this had been a movie, there was no way I would have seen it.
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
Oh John Green. I enjoyed the book. It was pretty fun and I talked about it on my instagram here.
Carnegie’s Maid by Marie Benedict
Check out my full post about Carnegie’s Maid here!
More from my site
I Had a Nice Time And Other Lies… by The Betches
The Elizas by Sara Shepard
Unbelievable by Katy Tur
The Tumbling Turner Sisters by Juliette Fay
You’re Welcome, Universe by Whitney Gardner
This Is Just My Face by Gabourey Sidibe
The Ends of the World by Maggie Hall
This is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
Carnegie’s Maid by Marie Benedict
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