Narrowing that down wasn’t hard at all (insert eyeroll here).
But a few weeks ago, I was scrolling through instagram and I noticed Emylee (one half of the Amazing Think Creative Collective, TCC) mentioned that she might start selling some of her artwork. I’ve been a student of TCC for a while and I’ve seen hints of Emylee’s artwork. When she started dropping hints during a webinar that her shop was going live on Cyber Monday, I knew that this was the perfect business for me to showcase for Small Business Saturday.
Well first, I love art. I love the idea of artists getting to sell and share their artwork with others, and I love the idea of people being able to own their own piece of art at a reasonable price. All of which Emylee is doing.
Second, I trust Think Creative Collective (which Emylee is part of), with my life. Well, at least with Something Good, which is essentially my life. These girls have helped me to no end with building my business, so if there’s a way I can give back to them, I’m going to do it.
Plus, from the peeks I’ve seen on Instagram, I love her work as well.
When I reached out to Emylee to ask if she was okay with being featured, she was also kind enough to answer a few questions for all of you about her background and her upcoming Cyber Monday launch of the Emylee Says Shop!
1. Why did you first step away from painting? How did you make your way back to it? (If you’d prefer to focus more on the second, that’s fine.)
I remember the time I stepped away from painting very clearly. It was actually just before I wrapped up my undergraduate studies in Fine Art. I had a really rough freshman year and went through a period of high anxiety and panic attacks. Because of that I was prescribed some anti-anxiety meds around the same time I took my first ever painting class. I was complimented on my work by my professor for how “carefree” my style was. Well, flash forward a bit and I eventually stopped taking that medication and my work suffered. I was back to my anxious ways and it showed in how in every detail in my life, including my artwork. So I basically brushed off painting. It wasn’t for me if I couldn’t be “carefree” about it.
So that brings us to now. When I so desperately need a creative outlet and a bit of identity for myself. I picked up my brushes again this fall and basically said “eff it”. I painted whatever I wanted, as often as I could, however I wanted. And it feels amazing.
2. Tell us a little more about the inspiration behind your art.
My goal, before turning 30, is to own an original piece of artwork. I started on this journey of finding the perfect piece about a year ago and I’ve still yet to find it. I’ve realized I fell into the “anti-curator” crowd. I felt awkward asking if a piece would pair with my favorite framed quote from Target or that random piece of scrapbook paper I washi taped up on my wall.
Would they laugh at me? Would they do the snarky eyebrow raise?
So then my journey turned into something different. I began to create the space that I saw missing. A place for the anti-curator, art lover, misfit. A place that lacks artsy judgment, but instead is filled with the simple desire to get a piece of art that makes you feel freaking fancy in your home. Even if it’s next to the vinyl polka dotted wall you got from Hobby Lobby.
3. You already run one incredibly successful business, why have you decided to open a second business?
This is the million dollar question, isn’t it? It’s true my company (that I’m a co-founder of), Think Creative Collective, is very successful (we’re set to reach half a million dollars this year). And TCC will always be my baby and it’s my full-time job for sure, but sometime earlier this year I felt like something was missing. Something where I could get dirty, try new things, make mistakes and be creative in new ways. This little passion just started as that, but with the amount of requests for products I’ve been getting the entrepreneur in me figured – why not?
4. Tell us a little more about your sale on Cyber Monday. What are some of the pieces that we should look forward to seeing?
So Cyber Monday is actually the official launch day for the entire shop (bananas, right?). But I am most excited about the Art Series Prints + Wood Block. It’s a set of 4 prints with a small wooden block stand perfect for desktop scenery or small places. The paper is the most luscious fine art velvet paper. It’s think, textured and the depth of colors rivals the original better than anything else. I’m so excited to see these in people’s hands!
So there’s nothing on the Emylee Says Shop quite yet, but if you check back on Cyber Monday, there will be! You can also sign up for her email list to get updates about when everything goes live and behind the scene details.
Thank you Emylee for the interview and I can’t wait to shop on Cyber Monday!
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