DIY Gifts: Beautiful Bracelets by Hand

In my opinion, the best gifts are the ones that you made. That’s why I’m always a big fan of making baked goods for friends. However, I know some of you aren’t big on baking, so why not try making jewelry for your friends?
DIY Gifts: Beautiful Bracelets by Hand | Something Good, DIY, Holiday Gifts, Bracelet DIY
Today I’ve partnered up with We Dream In Colour to share one of their bracelet DIY’s AND give away a copy of their new book, Beautiful Bracelets by Hand. Give this DIY a try and then enter the giveaway so you can win a copy of the book! Also, if you think this book would make a good gift for a friend, you can head over to amazon and pre-order it! Otherwise, Beautiful Bracelets by Hand will be released on Tuesday, December 9th.
DIY Gifts: Beautiful Bracelets by Hand | Something Good, DIY, Holiday Gifts, Bracelet DIY
Lace Cuff
• Two 7″ (17.8 cm) lengths of lace ribbon (we
used 2¼” [5.7 cm]-wide ribbon)
• Bias tape
• Four 19x5mm ribbon crimp ends
• Two 4x6mm jump rings, 18 gauge
• Two 10mm jump rings, 18 gauge
• Two 12x6mm lobster clasps
• Scissors
• Chain-nose pliers
• Flat-nose pliers
• Nylon-jaw pliers
• Hot glue gun
DIY Gifts: Beautiful Bracelets by Hand | Something Good, DIY, Holiday Gifts, Bracelet DIY
1. Big wrist? Small wrist? Wrap ribbon around your wrist so it is slightly loose.
Trim so there is about a ½-inch (1.3 cm) gap between the ends. Cut your bias tape about ½ inch (1.3 cm) longer than your ribbon width.
2. Fold the excess bias tape into itself and crease. Do this on the top and bottom edge.
DIY Gifts: Beautiful Bracelets by Hand | Something Good, DIY, Holiday Gifts, Bracelet DIY
3. Since you’ll be using HOT glue, take care not to burn yourself. Press any edges down with a piece of card or a spoon rather than your fingers unless you don’t mind a blister or three. Now that we are clear on that, with a few dots of hot glue, stick the top and bottom folds down. Sandwich your ribbon edge in between the folds of the bias tape. Apply a few small dots of glue and fold and press (again with a card or something without nerves) the bias tape over the ribbon.
4. Center the ribbon crimp on the bias tape. With a pair of nylon-jaw pliers, firmly close the crimp onto the ribbon. Attach a 10mm jump ring to one end. Attach the lobster clasp with a 4x6mm jump ring to the opposite end.
5. Make another. That way one wrist won’t be jealous.
DIY Gifts: Beautiful Bracelets by Hand | Something Good, DIY, Holiday Gifts, Bracelet DIY
And now you can enter to win your own copy of Beautiful Bracelets by Hand

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