Have I told you about my secret shopping spot? I’m so excited to share it with you, especially since it’s having a great sale today.
It’s also not that much of a secret if you read the title of this post. Ha!
Peplum Sweater c/o Talbots / Plaid Block Heels c/o Talbots
Yup, that’s right, my secret store is Talbots. And lucky for you, there are some great Cyber Monday deals at Talbots today. Better than this entire weekend, in my opinion. Why?
Free shipping.
Oh, and 50% off of one regular priced item and 40% off of the rest of your purchase.
And free shipping.
For a store like Talbots, you’ll bite off your arm for free shipping. Why? I love them, but free shipping deals are far and few in between so when you get one, you take advantage of it!
Okay, now we can go back to why Talbots is my secret store (and why it should be your secret store). First, their shoe collection (which is very important to this shoeaholic). From my blackwatch loafers to my plaid flats, they’re always my go to for plaid shoes. They’re also a perfect stop whenever you need a pair of loafers.
Second, whenever I’ve worn one of their tops, it always gets a compliment. Remember this polka dot top? It was from Talbots, and is still available in a few sizes if you want it.
I really feel like I get to share a secret with someone when they ask me where my top/shoes are from and I get to say Talbots. And now that I’ve let you in on that secret, you better go take advantage of it today and go buy all of the things! Also, then come back here and tell me what you got, I’m always looking for something new to pick up.
Have you shopped at Talbots before? Are you excited to take advantage of all of the Cyber Monday deals at Talbots today?
Here are some more of the pieces that I love!