Currently Vol 71

Note: This post contains affiliate links about Currently vol 71. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Something Good. 

I feel like I spent most of this past January asleep! Between getting covid and the after effects from it, I spent most of the month in a bit of a fog. So getting the reminder from Anne that it was February came as a big of a surprise (not a bad surprise though). Not a lot is going on at the moment, but I have a few updates of things I’m loving and wishing for right now.

(Oh PS my favorite healthy cookie dough is now sold on Amazon!!! Go try it now!)

Currently Vol 71

Currently Vol 71


Relaxing on the couch and watching tv. It’s such a simple thing, right? But taking the time to cuddle on the couch and watch tv has been my most relaxing part of the day lately. It probably has something to do with just letting myself calm and zone out, but I’m trying not to over think it too much. Plus, there are so many good things out right now! Some of the things I’ve been watching are Ghosts (cbs), the original version of Ghosts from England (on HBO Max), The After Party (apple tv), The Good Witch, Grand Crew, Frankie Drake….the list keeps going!


All of the needlepoint things for my wedding. I took a really big task upon myself when I decided to needlepoint yarmukles and seat pillows for my wedding, but I’m already halfway done! I’m really proud of my progress and I hope I can keep it up to finish everything in time. Needlepointing has also been a really good thing to do while I’m watching all of the tv I just mentioned.


Too much time playing phone games. Yes, I play wordle on my computer, but the games on my phone are a bit out of control. I use them to turn on my brain at the beginning of the day and then as little pick me ups throughout the day. Do you play any phone games? If so, let me know because I’m always happy to add more to the rotation!


To go back to working in coffee shops more. Is that a weird want? I lovvveeeee working out of coffee shops typically. I get some of my best work done because I’m super focused there and I love treating myself to a nice drink or pastry. It’s also just nice to get out of the house. But I haven’t wanted to leave the house much lately (getting covid didn’t help), so I feel like I haven’t been to a coffee shop in years. It’ll probably be a little longer before I go to work in one, so in the meantime, I’ll just keep dreaming of them.


Why I always read more than 3 books at once? I wish I was kidding. I always have at least three books in rotation: an audiobook, a book on my kindle, and a hardcover. At the moment though, I believe I’m in the middle of two hardcovers, three kindle books, and two audiobooks. How do I keep it all straight? No clue. I mostly just try to keep the genres as different as possible for each book. Some of the books I’m reading (or just finished) include: Wahala, The Magnolia Place, A Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder, Hooked (by Sutton Foster), The Emma Project, and Please Don’t Sit On My Bed In Your Outside Clothes. Do you have any suggestions of other books I should read? Or do you need any recommendations? Let me know!


november 3, 2021 | filed in: lifestyle

Note: Today’s post contains affiliate links about Currently Vol 68. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Something Good.

Okay, so I didn’t get as much posted in October as I wanted to, but I’m trying again for November! I just didn’t expect October to be as busy as it was. November isn’t going to be any less busy, but no harm in setting lofty goals for myself, right?

Currently Vol 68 | Something Good | A Style and Lifestyle Blog on a Budget


All of the good TV I’ve been watching recently. My current favorite is a show called Leverage that was on USA like ten years ago. I started watching it because they revived the show recently and I watched one episode of the reboot that I loved. But I knew that I wanted to watch the original series before I started the new stuff. The original series had five seasons with like 15+ episodes each, so it’s taken up a lot of my watching time (which I’m completely okay with). If you love con-men type shows, this is a perfect show for you.

Other shows I’ve been watching (and enjoying) are Pretty Smart (Netflix), Halloween Baking Championship (Food Network), everything Below Deck (Bravo), The Chair (Netflix), Ted Lasso (I’m about to start season 2), and Winter House (Bravo). I’m also excited to start Superstore (everyone keeps telling me how good it is!), One of Us is Lying, and The Babysitters Club (season 2). Anything else I should keep an eye out for?


New work clothes! Now that I have a little more handle on my job and what I’ll be doing, my work pieces need a serious refresh. I’m planning on going to M.M. La Fleur later this month to find some pieces that I’ll be able to mix and match for going into the office and meetings. Luckily, I’m still working from home a majority of the time, so I don’t need that many new pieces. But I’m excited for this refresh!


A few needlepoint things for the wedding! I’m probably a little crazy for taking on this task, but I loved the idea of having a few handmade things at the wedding and being able to give them to people as presents. I’m a little worried I won’t have enough time to do everything I want to do, but I want to try anyways. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

(Canvas shown in the image is from Le Point Studio.)


More book reviews. There are so many books that I’ve read recently that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and must be shared! I’m working on getting things back on the blog and hopefully I’ll get better at Instagram again too. Below are some of the ones I’ve read recently that were pretty good.


A few old things and a few new things. Retailers are putting out their winter items and I just get can’t resist. I’m a sweater and boots lover, so those have been the main items I’ve been looking at. I’ve also been obsessed with all of the plaid things coming out (as usual). Now, I should probably cut back on what I’ve been getting, but I’ve been a lot better at taking things out of my closet to give away, so I think it’s evening out, right

Here are some things that I’ve recently picked up (and kept):

As always, linking up with Anne In Residence.

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