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Welcome to my currently: covid edition. Yup, I got covid. I have no idea how or where I got it. I just know that I’ve been as careful as possible. Unfortunately, it’s just unavoidable at this point in DC. I didn’t want to make every single topic about covid…but it’s really the majority of what’s going on in my life right now.

Currently Vol 70
Being officially covid free! I was one of the many unlucky people in DC who caught covid over the last few weeks and it was not fun. I didn’t test positive until day 3 (or 4?) of my symptoms, so I thought I might just have a bad cold or the flu. But I had a bunch of the crappy symptoms, so the last week-ish has been a lot of sleeping and dozing. While I’m feeling my best today, the fatigue thing is still pretty real. I’m trying to ease back into everything though, so it’s not too bad.
My clothes, shoes and jewelry. I was making great progress in my closet and jewelry…..and then I got sick. So I’m trying to gain my energy back again before attempting the next project. It’s a little frustrating because I don’t have that much left to go, but the first round was so tiring, I’m really going to need some energy for the next run.
A few different books right now. I couldn’t really concentrate at all while I was sick, but I’m finally able to pick some books back up again. Right now I’m reading The Singles Table, which I’ve been looking forward to for awhile. I’m also finishing up The Winter Street series from Elin Hilderbrand. I’m not sure what book I’ll read next, but I have a long list to pick from.
To continue to not make resolutions. I’ve never been a resolutions person. It always feels like to much pressure to wait to start something or keep it going. But I do like to make changes as I need to and then implement then. Right now I don’t have anything new, just making sure I’m continuing to eat healthy and hopefully get back to exercising soon.
Everything in my bullet journal! I decided that I wanted to try bullet journaling again and I think it’s going well the second time around. I like that I have more control over what my planner looks like and I like being able to make lists for everything. My journal is definitely not as beautiful as others that I’ve seen, but it works and that’s all that matters. (The image is via The New Yorker)
Linking up with Anne In Residence
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