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I’ve been so lost and confused in my days lately. I don’t know what day of the week it is and I definitely don’t know what month it is. For example, I spent all of Sunday thinking it was February 1st and only at 5 p.m. realized that it was January 31st and January still hadn’t ended. Luckily, January has finally ended and we can move on to this (much) a shorter month. Hopefully, it won’t last two years like January did.

Currently Vol 59
All of the snow D.C. is finally getting! D.C. had zero snow (well, 0.6 inches) of snow last year and, well, it sucked. As a girl from Wisconsin, I require a proper snowstorm every year to stay sane and last year failed me. But this winter? We just got three days in a row of snow and it was amazing. I mostly just stayed inside and watched it snow, but that was perfectly fine with me. I just loved watching it all fall down and swirl around. Currently Vol. 59 was completely beautiful.
So much right now! I finally got a bunch of new books in from the library and a handful of ARCs to check out. There are so many good books coming out this year or that recently came out, it’s amazing. I just finished Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid (it comes out June 1, 2021) and you’ll want to get your hands on this one. Ever since she put out The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, her storytelling and plot lines have changed become more developed and I’m her for it. Here are some of the other books I’ve recently read or I’m excited for:
How nice it is to just put on an audiobook (or podcast) and get lost in cooking or cleaning or some other chore. How did I forget about this? Some how in the craziness of the last month or two months (or year), I forgot how wonderful it can be to just zone out and do something that doesn’t require that much thought (yes, I sometimes view cooking that way). I’ve been doing that more and it’s actually made me more productive. Now I want to cook or take a few minutes to tidy up because it means a few minutes to myself to just listen and zone out.
My blog readers’ top products of 2020! I love diving into analytics and seeing what people loved to click on and buy. So it was really fun to see the items that ended up being the most clicked on and purchased in 2020. My favorite part of it was how many people were clicking on organizing materials. Basically everyone wanted to clean out and organize their closets in 2020 and I’m here for it! Now we all just need to bring that over into 2021 and we’ll be fine.
All of the new J.Crew arrivals. I was so good about not shopping in January (even though it was unintentional), and now I want to go crazy at J.Crew. It probably won’t happen until a good sale, but my wishlist there keeps getting longer. Below (in the widget) are all of the pieces I love right now.
As always, linking up with Anne in Residence.
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