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I don’t care what the “official” calendar says. Labor Day has passed, so it’s officially fall. Now if only DC weather would take a hint because its still 80 degrees here. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be in tank tops until mid October. I’ll just pretend it’s fall in my head (and my apartment).

My apartment cleaner. For real this time though. I keep thinking about how clean my closet has been since my re-organization and how clean I’ve kept it since then. It gives me confidence that I can keep everything that clean, I just need a good system. The only problem is, I need to create that system. BRB while I figure that out. SAVE ME HOME EDIT.
Suggestions for dinners and baked good recipes! I feel like I’ve been eating out too much lately because of laziness and I need to take a step back from that. So I would love some easy weeknight dinners! Bonus points if I can prep them on Sundays as well (I love a good meal prep).
Fleabag. What rock have I been living under. I’ve been hearing about Fleabag and the infamous jumpsuit for months, but how come no one sat me down and forced me to watch Fleabag? I watched the whole series in basically two days, I loved it that much. Now I need more Phoebe Wallace.
Taylor Swift’s new album, Lover! You new I was going to sneak this in here somehow, right? If not, where have you been!? It’s so ridiculously good. Even if you aren’t a Taylor Swift fan, if you’re just a pop music fan, you need to give it a try. I don’t know how this girl can just sit down in an evening and write a single song so amazing, but she’s given us an album of EIGHTEEN amazing songs. Crazy.
My list of upcoming Fall releases! (I’m so excited to share it with you!) There are so many books coming out in the next few months that I’m excited to share with you. I need to stop myself from making this list too ridiculously long though. I also need to decide if I want it to come out this Sunday or next. Would you guys rather have this listen sooner or my September reading list?! Help me decide! (By the way, one of my favorites on the list that just came out is American Royals.)
As always, linking up with Anne In Residence
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