A line a day. I bought a 5 year line a day journal and I’m almost done with it. It’s so weird to see that this thing that I started 5 years ago has almost come to an end. When I first started it, it was kind of hard to see the point. Now that it’s almost done, it’s so amazing to see exactly what I was doing each day for the last five years.
All of the blog things! I’m trying to take a handful of blogging courses this summer in addition to a site revamp and restarting my newsletter. All of those things are already in the works, so now it’s just making sure that I hold myself accountable and actually get them all done! I’ve mentioned it before, but I really am trying to improve this blog for you. If you have any suggestions of anything you’d like to see here, please let me know!
Lazy days (or hours at least). One of my goals for this summer was to have more down time and I’m getting better at it! I’ve spent more time relaxing and just letting the day flow. Whether that means going to the pool or getting work done, I’m doing more of what I feel like doing.
Too many things? I had a lot of time sitting on the bus last weekend and somehow managed to finish 6 books in a week? Yeah, I don’t know how that one happened. But, one of my favorites out of all of them was hands down Once and For All by Sarah Dessen. She was one of my favorite authors growing up and she continues to put out some of the best YA books.
Nothing I hope! Or very little at least. I’m trying to focus on saving this month. I even have a post coming up about how I’m using digit to help me save a little bit more.
Linking up with Anne In Residence and check out past Currently Link Ups!
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