Casual Friday

I loved this sweater so much last year that I wore it practically every day. Somehow this year, it fell to the bottom of a drawer and never quite made it’s way back into the clothing rotation. But never fear, the comfy, warm cardigan is back and will not be forgotten about again!
Sweater: American Eagle Outfitters (Old, Similar, Similar)
Shirt: Forever 21 (Similar)
Jeans: American Eagle Outfitters (Same, Similar)
Shoes: Toms (Same)

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  1. that sweater is snazzy! looks very warm, too!

  2. This is my dream outfit. And I sort of have the pieces, but really not quite. I'm saving this for later, though, in case I ever get lucky enough to pull a similar outfit together!

  3. Dana Weinstein on

    As a long time follower of your blog, that is a HUGE compliment!! I can't wait to see what you put together!

  4. Such a perfectly cute look! I always love a good plaid shirt and suede booties 🙂 Thanks for sharing with Three-fer Thursday.

    xo Bethany

  5. That sweater looks so cozy, and looks great with the plaid blouse.