Casual Friday

Don’t you absolutely love when you see a blogger’s outfit that you adore and then you realize that you already have everything in your closet?? It’s the best, really.
That was how I felt when I came across this outfit by Kacie. I ended up having to sub my boots for the wedges, since my pants weren’t really going into the boots that well, but I still love how it turned out. I also decided to try out a cardigan for work, since I would probably look silly wearing my jacket at work all day.
Also….these pants are pink. Super pink actually. The stairwell made them look orange though and I’m not quite sure if I’ll be able to forgive the stairs for that.
Sweater: J. Crew Factory (Same)
Jacket: Target (SameSimilarSimilar)
Shirt: J. Crew Factory (SameSimilar)
Jeans: American Eagle Outfitters (Old, SimilarSimilar, Similar)
Shoes: American Eagle Outfitters (Old, SimilarSimilar)
Necklace: Street Market (Old, SimilarSimilar)

PS Have you entered my jewelry giveaway yet?

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  1. So cute! I love the outfit with both the cardigan and jacket. What a great Target find!


  2. Love this color combo 🙂 Its so great get inspiration from other blogs!! And that leather jacket is killer.


  3. Hey! Such a cute outfit (obviously I'd think that). Thanks for the shout out!