Ann Taylor’s Cody Over-the-Knee Leather Riding Boots – $248
I reviewed these in an earlier post, but to sum it up: goregous, buttery leather, but over the knee a little bit too much.
DSW’s Enzo Angiolini Zeric Riding Boot (Sold out!) – $95
I went back and forth on these, I liked the leather and the stretchy back, but they were hard to get on and off. In addition to that, since my legs are a little shorter than most (yayy being 5 feet!), the boots cut at my knees funny. I’m not sure if they were suppose to be over the knee boots, or hit right below it, but as you can see in the picture, it looks funny.

DSW boot on the left, Shoemint on the right
(Excuse my messy room please!)
I love me some Shoemint. Everything I have bought from there is excellent quality looks just as good in person and these boots lived up to that. Thanks to the zipper they were easy to get on and off and the leather was just as wonderful. Additionally, the gold detail was a nice addition to the boot.
So which did I get?The shoemint! Plus, as an added bonus, thanks to an old Shoemint credit (still kicking myself for forgetting to skip that month a while ago) and a 35% discount code, I ended up only paying $11 for the boots!! If that’s not a good deal for real leather, I don’t know what is.

And cause it’s wonderful Shoemint, I got a surprise gift!
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