In case you’re new to Something Good, let me explain. Bloggers really like to post the good pictures. The pictures where they’re standing perfectly, their outfit looks great, and their expression is perfect. I love to post those pictures too. But even more than that, I love to show the other pictures. You know, the 47 other pictures you have to take before you get that one perfect one.
So here are this quarter’s round of some of my favorite blooper pictures!
And yes, this is the expression I make every time I think about posting this next round of blogger bloopers.
Because seriously guys, why do we enjoy these pictures so much?
I’m always impressed by the wide range of movements my eyes can make….and also confused.
If you’ve never taken pictures with me before, I like to dance while we’re adjusting the camera settings.
And sometimes, I get attacked by wind.
Seriously though, wind is my best friend and worst enemy.
I can’t even come up with a caption because I have no idea what I’m doing here.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this round of blogger bloopers!
Check out previous blogger bloopers posts!