Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3

You are so lucky.
Why? I’m already sharing a brand new blogger bloopers post! The theme of today’s post? Dance it out. As Lauren and Rosa (and anyone else who has photographed me) can attest, I have a tendency to start dancing during shoots and in between takes. Sometimes it’s to entertain myself and sometimes it’s to stay warm, but either way, my photographer always has a tendency to keep taking pictures. 
(And I can’t even come up with a caption for this one because I’m not really sure what’s happening.)
Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3 | Something Good, j.crew factory elephant skirt, ll bean double l cable knit sweater, black sweater, black tights, ankle boots
Sweater: SameSimilar / Skirt: Same / Tights: Same / Boots: Previously Seen HereSame / Necklace:  Similar

Want to see the full dance?
Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3 | Something Good, sequin spark striped shirt
I think I may have been pretending to tap dance. Clearly the next Shirley Temple.
Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3 | Something Good, plaid pants, white waffle sweater, madewell d'orsay flats
Top: Previously Seen HereSimilarSimilar / Pants: SameSimilar / Shoes: Previously Seen Here,SimilarSimilarSimilar / Necklace: Same / Ring: Same
I’m so excited, Jessie Spano style.
Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3 | Something Good, striped sweater dress, brown riding boots, navy quilted vest
Dress: SimilarSimilar / Vest: SameSimilar / Boots: SimilarSimilar / Necklace: Same
Sometimes I get a little violent in my dancing.
Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3 | Something Good, houndstooth  dress, green utility jacket, rockport total motion flats

Dress; SimilarSimilarSimilarSimilar / Shoes: Same c/o Rockport / Wrap: Same
And sometimes, I like to keep it smooth with a few extra snaps.
Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 3 | Something Good, striped sweater, camel j.crew factory wool zip skirt, black riding boots

Sweater: SimilarSimilar/ Skirt: SameSimilar / Boots: SimilarSimilar / Bracelets c/o Alex and Ani

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