Behind the Scenes

Here’s a quick behind the scenes (and right now the closest I’ll to a beauty shot) shot. I’ve started painting my finger nails more often* and I’ve really been enjoying it. I generally stick to a darker red/purple in the winter (see picture) and then go to pale pink during the spring/summer. When I was in high school, I was more adventurous with colors, but I’ve stayed away from crazier colors after I couldn’t stop cringing at my blue nail polish in high school.** I think the most adventurous I’ll get right now is trying to use sharpies for designs.
Edit: My current winter favorite is Berry Berry Broadway by OPI and I’m still in search of a spring/summer favorite, though these pale pinks by Cucchi (a new brand the manicurist showed me) are all currently in the running. 
*I should really say going to get them done because my hands don’t like painting within the lines, though I am getting better.
**It was for my high school graduation photo and it still hurts to look at. That being said, I’ve seen so many people pull off fun nail polish colors and I’m jealous of you all.
Linking up with Third Thursday Threads!

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  1. Love that you're working to try nail polish more often! Practice definitely makes perfect with applying it!