1. Old Navy Wrap Dress, Striped – $25
2. Old Navy Wrap Dress, Crimson – $25
3. Ann Taylor Lace Dress – $47.69
4. Daisy Rae Dress – $20.97 (going out of business sale)
5. Gap Floral Jeans – $24
6. Gap Pink Jeans – $12 (yesss in store sale!)
7. Loft White Jeans – $20
8. Loft Tank – $22.50
9. ily Necklace – $20.95 (Still waiting on this to arrive….)
Not Pictured:
10. Loft Lace tee – $18
11. Gap Blazer – $24
Grand total: $242.11
Gulp…alright well there you go. Now time to get this back under control.
Plan to help this:
1. Less in store shopping. I know this is the reverse of what most people would tell you to do because you can get much better deals off of the clearance racks, BUT when I shop online, I tend to impulse shop a lot less because I can let things sit in my cart and wait for a deal.
2. Make a list of things I want ahead of time and be more specific when looking for things.
3. Shop my closet more.
4. Focus on items that can be worn to work since that’s where I spend a bulk of my time.
5. USE EBATES. Using ebates = cash back on purchases. If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what is.
I’ll probably have to refine this a little more over time, but I hope it will work for now.
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