April showers bring May flowers right? Well if that’s true, then DC is going to be COVERED in flowers in May. The forecast really looks like nothing but showers for the next few days. Good thing Hunter at Target is coming soon!
A book collection. Okay, yes, I still have my big collection to read, but I’ve also realized that I love having my favorite books around me in my apartment. So I’ve finally given in and started buying a few of my favorites. No longer will they live in my kindle, but I’ll actually have hardcovers.
A month of relaxing. After a few weeks of travel, I have a month of zero travel and I’m so excited to just sit. Especially since I’m back on the road in May.
New furniture for my bedroom! Or rather, I’m putting some furniture together and maybe DIY-ing a few more pieces. I feel like my living room is finally in a good place, so now I’m turning my attention back to my bedroom and mess of a closet. First on the list? A bookshelf. Then, a dresser. (BTW, this DIY is still one of my most popular posts on Pinterest to date!)
Swimsuits, if you looked at yesterday’s post. Also, Everlane’s new underwear line! I just got my package yesterday and I’m so excited to check out the pieces. I’ll let you know what I think.
Oh also, along the lines of buying, I’ve started my own link up! On the last Wednesday of every month, I’m hosting my Monthly Budgeting Link Up. The first link up was this past Wednesday. Come share your March Budget and what you bought that month!
As always, linking up with Anne In Residence
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