The Ice Cream Cone
So ignoring everything I just said in the paragraph above (awkward), this costume has actually been sitting in the back of my mind for a while. I was debating trying it out last year, but laziness got the best of me (can you sense a theme?). Since I wanted to come up with something new this year though, I decided it was finally time to try it out.
I cheated a little bit and bought washi tape because I didn’t want to destroy my skirt with adhesive material and I have wanted to get washi tape for a while (double win). The actual ice cream part was easy because you just put little piece of washi tape all over your skirt and top! If you don’t want to buy washi tape (which is silly because it’s inexpensive and trust me, you can find other uses for it), you can use tape and paper, other color tapes (like painters tape), but I would NOT suggest using colored ductape if you ever actually want to wear your skirt again in real life.
The cone was a little trickier. The easiest thing to do would be grab a party hat, flip it inside out and wear that…but I didn’t have a part hat around my apartment (does anyone actually have that?). Instead, I grabbed a manila folder drew the waffle cone lines (it’s just a grid people), and taped it together until it looked cone shaped. These directions however are much better for making the cone hat shape and now I’m wishing I had seen them earlier.
Anyways, now that you have your hat and outfit, you’re all set! I decided to throw on a pair of red shoes so it would be like a cherry on top, but you could always grab a pair of white shoes and decorate them with your tape too.

Where’s Waldo
Too many directions in that last one? Yeah, I know, that got wordy fast. Luckily Where’s Waldo is simple. Red striped shirt, jeans, glasses, saddle bag, and a hat. Ta da!
The hat did get a little tricky for me since I don’t have a striped hat, but I solved that problem by tucking my red hat inside my white one and then folding the bottom of the red over the white so it looked striped. I then made a puff ball with some fabric that I have laying around (yay arts and crafts container) and safety pinned it on. You could skip this step though, I have a feeling that most people will still be able to figure out who you are.
Now you’re all set! If you want to check out more costume ideas, here’s last years guide, with magic eight ball and sushi costumes!
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