Currently, Vol. 6

Call me a broken record, but how is it already time for the September Currently post!?!? This year is flying by. Oddly enough, this post was also a little easier to write, so maybe that means I have a better idea of what’s going on this month? Maybe. Probably not.
Currently, Vol. 6 | Something Good, elena ferrante, bullet journal, minimalist baker mac and cheese
All the books! Just kidding, that’s basically  my every day life. Anyways, I’m going to write a post later about my fall reading, but right now I’m reading the Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante. You might remember that I was planning on starting these during my Alaska trip, but sadly the 1st book didn’t come in from the library on time. But they’re here now and I’m diving in. Has anyone read this series? I’d love to hear your opinion!
Some new recipes. I kind of fell off of this bandwagon during the summer, but I’m hoping to start back up with some new recipes now. Plus, I want to start trying out some recipes for Thanksgiving so I feel comfortable cooking them once the big day comes (share any of your favorites please!). (PS the picture above is from Minimalist Baker and her delicious recipe for vegan gluten-free mac and cheese.)
That I get to experience some fall weather soon. I know, I know, I should be enjoying my current weather, yada yada yada, but this heat has been killing me. We got some relief over Labor Day weekend and it’s made me realize how much I love cooler weather. Maybe I need to move back to midwest?
My apartment….kind of? I keep getting really motivated to clean up my apartment and throw out all of the things, but by the time I get home, I’m just too tired. I’m hoping that I can try to focus on just a few areas to help clean up (and ultimately redecorate) my space.
to-do listing
In my new bullet journal! Yup, I’ve decided to try out the bullet journal wagon. I’ve had this beautiful planner from paper sugar and I absolutely love it, but I’ve realized that I don’t use it as much because it’s harder to carry around. After reading all of these posts about bullet journals, I’ve decided that I want to try it out and see if it’s a little bit better for me. I picked up a smaller, simple moleskine, so we’ll see how this works out. (image via)
So what’s currently going on in your life?
As always, linking up with Anne for the Currently Link Up!

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