Shopping Reviews, Vol. 27

Let’s call this my pre-Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, Summer Sales Shopping Trip. Okay? Okay.

Shopping Reviews, Vol. 27

woman wearing Madewell 'Whisper' Cotton V-Neck Pocket Tee for Shopping Reviews, Vol. 27

Madewell ‘Whisper’ Cotton V-Neck Pocket Tee (XS)

Is it weird that I liked this tee in one color but not the other? I loved the pink, but the green felt a little too big. Over all though, this shirt was pretty comfortable, but a note that it is longer than other v-necks I’ve worn before.
Verdict: Keep pink, return green.

woman wearing Caslon® Linen Cargo Dress   for Shopping Reviews, Vol. 27

Caslon® Linen Cargo Dress  (XS)

And my shirt dress hunt continues. The problems with this dress: it wrinkles easily and it overwhelmed my frame. It just felt like there were too many extra things. In terms of fit, it was pretty good, but that was mostly what it had going for it.
Verdict: Return
woman in Caslon® Textured Pullover Hoodie

Caslon® Textured Pullover Hoodie (XS)

Have you ever felt like you just put on a sack? That was kind of what this hoodie felt like. Also, it was itchy.
Verdict: Return
woman in Short Sleeve Soft V-Neck Sweater

Caslon® Short Sleeve Soft V-Neck Sweater (XSP)

After the last top, this one was was the softest thing ever. I could have just curled up in it and taken a nap. I could easily see this top being perfect for traveling. Also, it was more lightweight than I expected (in a good way).
Verdict: Keep
Shopping Reviews, Vol. 27 | Something Good, women, fashion, clothing, clothes, style, nordstrom, Lush Woven Tunic
I went back and forth on this tunic so much. The color was perfect, and it was so comfortable. However, it was cut too low in the front. I debated taping or sewing it shut, but I don’t think that the cut of the neck will look good. I think I’m just too short to make it work.
Verdict: Return
woman in black dress for Shopping Reviews, Vol. 27
I went back and forth on this dress too. It was really comfortable and I could easily see it working with multiple pieces. It was also surprisingly not too short. Ultimately though, I feel like I have too many similar pieces.
Verdict: Return

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