Finishing 101 in 1,001

About two years ago, the idea of a 101 in 1,001 list was floating around the bloggersphere. Loving the idea and knowing that I needed away to hold myself accountable to the things I wanted to do (upholder right here!), I decided it would be a great way to accomplish my goals! So I put together my list and set out to accomplish it.
Well fast forward about two years and while I was reading Mackenzie’s post about her list, I realized I was coming up fast on the 1,001st deadline. Looking at my list though, I realized I unintentionally accomplished a lot of my goals!
It’s fun to see how I accomplished some of the things on this list without even trying. For instance, two Thanksgivings, I tossed out the idea of hosting a Bloggersgiving and next thing I knew, Kristyn and i were hosting one! I also managed to go visit my friend Swati in Boston and try 15 new restaurants in DC (though let’s be honest, I blew threw that one and visited way more than 15.
Some of the things have definitely “fallen” off of this list or just aren’t going to get accomplished. For instance, while I was working on the half marathon goal, I realized that running was basically destroying my knees. Since my knees are already pretty bad, I decided that there was no reason to make them worse. I essentially stopped running after the spring 2014 and more or less traded that in for pure barre classes.
All of this to say, I definitely have my work cut out for me over the next few months! I’ve already started recruiting some friends to join me on some of the events as added motivation, so I’m hoping I can accomplish a good amount of these goals! Plus, I’m also going to start working on my next 101 in 1,001 list!

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